Page 19 of Luca

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“Yep. They’re very reliable. But I could ask my friend Shayna’s Daddy Tom to do an extra background check if you want, and to help me with the safe call. It might be good for your Daddy to know there’s another Daddy looking out for you.”

“Um, do you think he’d mind?”

“Nope, not at all. He helps run the club, and he does this stuff all the time.”

“Okay. But there’s something you should know.”

“What’s that?”

“Well, the way the service works, I don’t think we’re supposed to, like, see each other or talk off their official phone line.”

“Hmm. Well, I’ll just explain to Daddy Tom. He’ll know what to do.”

“Okay. Thanks, Mia. That does make me feel better, as long as Daddy Luca won’t get in trouble.”

“I’ll ask Daddy Tom to be discreet.”


“Text me any info you have for him, and I’ll call Shayna right now! What time is he coming?”

“At two o’clock.”

“That gives us a few hours. Text me and I’ll call you back the minute I know anything! Now, let’s talk about what to wear—that’s the fun part!”

By the time they hung up Frankie was feeling much better, and had her outfit all picked out. She made herself have some yogurt with her coffee, even though her tummy was still a bit nervous, because she knew Daddy Luca would ask if she ate, and would lecture her if she didn’t. Then she jumped in the shower to get ready.

By the time she’d washed and dried her hair and put on a little mascara, her cousin texted her that Daddy Luca had checked out. He had no record, and had been fully vetted not only by Dial-A-Daddy, but by a well-known Dallas kink club a few years earlier.

Of course, Mia demanded to hear all the details later, but meanwhile, she told her she was good to go.

Frankie slipped into her pale pink cotton sundress and white sandals, and used a gold barrette to hold back one side of her hair. She wanted to add her Hello, Kitty watch that she only ever wore at home, but she wasn’t sure if she was going to be able to be Little with him in person or not.

At one o’clock her cell phone rang.

“Hi, Frankie, sweetie. I’m leaving soon and I wanted to make sure you’re still okay with me coming over.”

“Yes, I’m okay. I’m a little nervous, though.”

“Yeah, me, too.”

“You are? I didn’t know Daddies get nervous.”

“Sure, we do. We’re human. And this feels pretty important. And I realize I forgot about something that’s also very, very important. Do you know what a safe call is?”

“Oh! Yes, I do, and I have one set up with my cousin in Arizona.”

“Ah, that’s great! And I have to apologize for not asking about it last night. That was irresponsible of me.”

“So you’ve been bad?” she asked, feeling a little sassy.

He chuckled. “Yes, I have. But I’ll be sure never to repeat my mistake. I want you to know I don’t take this stuff lightly.”

“Daddy? I have something else to tell you. My cousin Mia is a Little—I just found out today!”

“Wow, that is exciting! I’m so glad you have someone to share this with, honey.”

“Me, too! But also, she had her bestie’s Daddy do a background check on you, and…was that okay?”
