Page 2 of Luca

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It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay.

She dialed and the phone rang.

A woman’s voice answered cheerfully. “Welcome to Dial-A-Daddy! Let’s get your credit card information, and as soon as the transaction is approved and we’ve talked about what you’re looking for, I’ll connect you to the kind of Daddy you need to meet your Little needs!”

“Oh, I…”

The knot in her stomach spread to her chest, making it hard to breathe.

“I’m sorry, I…I can’t.”

She hung up, feeling guilty. Guilty for having wasted someone’s time. Guilty for having made the call at all. This wasn’t who she was. She was a lawyer, for heaven’s sake! This was just her private secret she could never, ever share with anyone else.

Wasn’t it?

Francesca closedthe file on her desk with a long sigh. She hadn’t been able to get that 800 number out of her mind since she’d seen it the week before. It was bad enough that she’d been tempted to pick up her cell phone and start dialing at least ten times, but now the idea was distracting her at work.

She glanced at her computer. Was 11:45 too early to take a lunch break?

She wasn’t hungry, but her body was humming all over, and the thought of going home to work off her tension with a good Daddy video and a vibrator was too irresistible. Especially this week. Her caseload was heavier than usual, with her dad and her cousin Robert away on a deep-sea diving trip. Her work load was always heavy. That was simply part of what was expected of her as a junior partner at Fioreli, Fioreli and Jones, with her being one of the younger Fiorelis. But she didn’t have to like it.


She really sort of detested being an attorney. But she’d given in to the family pressure—and had lived to regret it.

They’re all jerks. Why do I even put up with it?

She pressed a button on the console on her desk.

“Tina? I’m going to work the rest of the day from home. Please reschedule my 4:00 meeting.”

“Of course, Ms. Fioreli. I’ll take care of it right away.”

“Thanks, Tina. Have a good afternoon.”

Francesca grabbed her purse before she could change her mind and raced out the door of her office and down the hallway to the elevators. When she reached the underground garage, she got into her BMW and drove straight home, trying not to speed—and trying not to think about what she was going to do when she got there.

She headed north on the 75, and soon she got to her exit, her mind whirling with excitement.

She was finally going to talk to a real Daddy! Or, as real as they got on a 1-800 line, which made her kind of want to roll her eyes at herself. But it was going to be a male voice—hopefully a commanding male voice—and that was more than she’d ever experienced before.

“You only live once, though, right?” she said to herself.

Luca leanedback in his chair and signed into the portal at Dial-A-Daddy, letting the scheduler know he was available for calls.

While he waited for them to contact him, he flipped through the notebook on his desk. He had plenty of appointments coming up this week, but each one should bring him closer to realizing his dream of opening a dog rescue.

He glanced down at the portrait inked onto his left forearm of his beloved white and brown pitbull, Toro, gone these five years. Toro was the best dog he’d ever had, one of many great dogs belonging to the most misunderstood breed there was. And so many needed shelter until they could find a home. He wanted more than anything to help. He had the space for it—he’d boughta rambling ranch-style house in Plano, just north of the Dallas metro area, with a few acres and a barn already on it. He’d gotten the permits almost taken care of and the business set up as a non-profit. Now all he needed was a little more money so he could complete turning the barn into kennels, finish building the adoption center, and hire some staff. Hence the Dial-A-Daddy job.

It may sound silly to some, but there was a huge demand for good Daddies. And he enjoyed the work. Hell, it was something he craved, but he hadn’t had a Little of his own for years.

Too long.

But at least he’d found a way to satisfy at least some of the cravings he’d battled for years to care for and guide someone that way. And it would have to do for now, because with everything he had going on, he didn’t have the time to get out there and meet someone.

His cell phone buzzed and he glanced at the screen before picking it up.

“Hi, Annie. What have you got for me?”

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