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Taking a piece between my fingers, I throw it at Sav. She moves quicker than lightning, opening her mouth and catching it with ease.

My brows rise. “That’s pretty impressive.”

“I keep telling you. I’m not a flat surface. I have more facets than you’ll probably ever know.”

“I take that as a dare.” I flash a smirk. “I’ll learn everything about you soon enough.”

She just gives her head a shake. “I think I’m way more than you can handle.”

“That sounds like a challenge. And darlin’, I’ll take that bet.”

She dismisses me with a wave. I grab her hand and lace my fingers through hers, holding it tightly.

The projector screen reflects onto to her face, making her complexion seem pale. But I think I see the bloom of pleasure rising to her cheeks as I hold her hand in the dark.



“Where in the frick did I put that diagram?” I mutter. I check through the stack of blueprints on my desk and release a frustrated moan.

Cole turns in his chair and raises an eyebrow.

“What’s the fuss?”

“I had a hand-drawn diagram of our proposed changes to downtown South Shore somewhere on my desk…” I riffle through the blueprints again. “I have no idea where it’s wandered off to, though.”

Cole stands up and scoops a piece of paper off the floor, depositing it in the middle of my desk.

“There you are, my lady.” He bows ceremoniously with a smirk on his face. “What’s going on? You’ve been a stress case all week.”

“We have to submit the drawings before the planning commission recesses for a month.” I lean on my desk and massage my temples. “And CSAT has featured us three times in the last week. When I was at Grandad’s open house last week, Maxwell and Maxine Parker came up to me and were pumping me for information about our relationship! Between deadlines and headlines, I feel like my whole life is under scrutiny and past due.”

The smile drops from his face.

“I don’t know who Maxwell and Maxine Parker are. But if I ever find out who’s behind CSAT, I am going to punish them.”

“Whoever CSAT is can get bent.” I crack my neck and stretch my arms. “I feel like it’s their personal mission to get us kicked out of this office. I’m just waiting for Mrs. Brown to stroll in here and tell us to get our stuff out of here.”

He raises his hands. “Who knows what she’ll do. I say we cross that bridge when we come to it.”

Before I can answer, Cole’s cell phone starts vibrating on his desk. He frowns and picks it up.

“Sarah? Is everything okay?”

He stiffens and goes still. Worry crosses his face.

“Okay. Just bring him here. I’ll take him to the hospital.”

Cole hangs up and jumps to his feet. “My Dad and Sarah are bringing Charlie back from visiting Nag’s Neck. Sarah says that Charlie ate some boiled peanuts and now his mouth is red and swollen. Good thing my dad was there with them. He said he spotted the same symptoms of an allergic reaction that I had when I was a kid.”

“Oh my god.” Panic makes my brain a perfect blank. I grab Cole’s coat and hand it to him, them grab mine too. “Should I…?”

He opens the office door. “Come if you want. Just don’t make Charlie wait.”

I put my coat on and hurry past Cole, who follows me out of the building.

His phone rings again and he picks it up immediately. “Hello?” He listens for a moment. “Is it that serious? I would really rather you go to Lighthouse Hospital.” He scowls and shakes his head. “I’ll be there soon.”
