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I could handle the cold. Besides, the heater was putting out enough warmth for me right now. But the way she was looking at me said no way was she going for that.

“I can’t let you give up your jacket,” she said. “Why don’t we just huddle up for warmth?”

My body responded to that offer immediately. I slipped my arm back into my jacket sleeve and pulled her close. She smelled good. She felt good.Thisfelt good. I wanted to be even closer.

“Why don’t you stand in front of me?” I asked.

She did just that, and I slipped my arms around her. She leaned back against me, her butt hitting my crotch in exactly the right place. I squeezed my eyes closed. She had to feel my bulge, which was growing by the instant. She just felt so good moving against me.

When I finally opened my eyes, people were moving all around us. They were heading over to the area near the back door, which was where the bride and groom stood, along with the photographer. It was picture time.

Somehow, we managed to find each other after each separate shot. I’d put my arms around her for warmth, ignoring the looks we got from others in the wedding party. Apparently, people were noticing us as a couple.

The thought of being paired with her made my heart soar.

I was almost disappointed when we were finished with pictures and it was time to go inside. But we stayed next to each other as everyone gathered around the dance floor to watch the bride and groom take their first dance as husband and wife.

“I could use some fresh air,” I finally whispered in Cheyenne’s ear when couples started making their way onto the floor.

I could slow dance with her, but I wanted to press my body against hers in other ways. What I really needed was some alone time with her.

“Good idea,” she said. “As long as we can stay near the heater.”

I was immediately looking at the area near the pool as we exited. The heater was near the fence that surrounded the pool. A tall shrub lined the area near the stand-up lamp, blocking visibility for that corner of the pool.

I just might be able to find the privacy I wanted there.

“When are you going back home?” I asked as we started in that direction.

She took a deep breath and let it out. “Tomorrow morning was the original plan, but Abbie asked me to stick around for a couple of days, so I may work from here.”

She gestured toward the house. We were holding hands as we walked toward the heater. I wasn’t even sure how that happened. Had I grabbed her hand or had she grabbed mine?

“Maybe we could get together for dinner or something before you leave,” I said, letting out a breath.

I had more time with her. That took some of the pressure off tonight. But it wasn’t about getting in a quick bang before she left town. My heart soared at this news because it meant I could get a couple more days with her. I didn’t want her to leave in two days. Two days definitely wouldn’t be enough time.

“I forgot how much I like this town,” she said as she settled in front of me and I wrapped my arms around her like before. It felt right, holding her like this. “It’s the people, not the town itself, and I can work from anywhere.”

“Would you consider moving back?” I asked.

“I’m definitely considering it,” she said. “Would that be good?”

I realized at that very moment that she’d forgotten her shawl. Her shoulders were bare. I wrapped the front of my jacket around her. As I moved in closer, my right hand settled onto her right arm. I slid my thumb over it, gently tracing light circles.

“That would be awesome,” I said.

Awesome. That wasn’t something a mountain man said. Was I reverting to my old self? Maybe that part of me had never left.

I’d always been reclusive, preferring to read a book in the corner to going to a loud, noisy party. Besides, I loved nature. Sitting on my back porch, sipping my coffee in the morning while staring across the water. This place was paradise, and someone would have to drag me kicking and screaming out of here.

Yes, I felt the mountain life deep in my soul. But there was another side of me. And that side was always at the edge of my consciousness.

Cheyenne moved a little, her butt skimming across my bulge again. I held in a groan. Did she have any idea what she was doing to me?

I leaned down and nudged her hair away from her neck, then planted a kiss on her earlobe. She angled her head, giving me free access to her neck. Yes, she was definitely feeling this thing between us too.

I ran kisses along her neck. She took a deep breath, which caused her cleavage to lift. I could see down her top, easily making out the top and sides of her plump breasts. God, how I wanted to slip a hand inside that dress.
