Page 15 of My Demon Rebound

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He wiggles underneath me. "Should I start the movie now?"

"Hold on," I breathe out, wrapping my arm around him to stop him from shivering. Running hot works in my favor and he settles against me. "Cold?"

"Not anymore. You're like a furnace."

"So I've been told." I press tighter to him, giving him all the warmth he needs to relax.

"The AC is stuck on 55 and I can't adjust it. I think it's broken. Would have been nice to know before staying here. All I was left with was a handful of blankets, and two barely qualify as one." He pokes his fingers through holes in the knitted blanket.

"They must not have seen it as a big deal because of it being summer. Why are you here anyway? A break from work? Needing time away from your husband?" I gesture to his ring slightly peeking out of the blanket. He hasn't worn that before. I don't remember seeing it.

"No. I'm on my honeymoon."

My stomach twists and my skin feels too tight for me to move. "Don't honeymoons usually involve two people?"

He lowers his head, his muscles tightening against me. "Yeah, when the wedding actually happens. Ours didn't. He's in love with someone else. I wanted to wear the ring for a day to see what it would have been like if things went differently." Yanking it off his finger, he tosses it on the coffee table. "Some things are better left not knowing."

Rubbing his shoulder, I do my best to offer him comfort. "I'm sorry. His loss."

"Yeah. Or mine."

Gripping his chin, I force his gaze to meet mine. "Definitely not. I promise you, he's the one missing out. Not the other way around."

"Then why do I feel like I'm the one who has lost?"

"Trust me. It's only temporary. You're still hanging on too tightly. Once you let go, you'll realize you deserve better. Now hit Play and focus on the movie instead of him." What I really want to say is to focus on me. Want me. Need me. We can be enough for each other.

Nodding, he starts the movie and sets the remote on the coffee table before positioning his cheek on my shoulder, his hair brushing against my chin. My hand settles on his stomach and I stare ahead at the screen.

"Hey, Rorian."


"I'm really not Albert."

Smiling into his hair, I snuggle in closer. "I know."



Waking up next to a demon definitely will take some getting used to. He doesn't snore and is so serene, his face relaxed without a single muscle strained. His warmth really is hard to pull away from, but I have to get out of this house and do what I said I would–lie on the sand and swim in the ocean while the sun hits my face. Stirring a little when I toss the blanket off me, his arm tightens around me. A sense of security fades away when I finally free myself from his grasp.

After breakfast, I returned to the room to nap but felt like there was a live wire running through me, so I went out to the living room to see if he was still there. Not sure why, but I keep waiting for him to disappear. Having him around has felt like too much of a good thing for it to last.

To my surprise, he was still in the house, fighting with the remote and wearing clothes. Sort of. Dressed like he was ready to go to the gym, he had on tight purple yoga pants, leaving little to the imagination as I got closer.

The thin material clings to his body, highlighting the large bulge in the center. I see he has yet to discover underwear, and I'm not sure I mind so much. Fuck, I'm such a damn pervert. It's been so long since I've gotten laid and right when I thought I finally would after waiting two years, my fiancé gave it to someone else on my wedding day.

What a huge cock block the whole situation has been. Fuck him. Based on what Rorian said to me in the kitchen about his baby getting whatever his baby wants, I'm the only one standing in the way this time. For good reasons. What if him realizing I’m not Albert means his offer is no longer on the table? Though, his eyes and touches last night told me being someone else changes nothing.

It doesn't matter.

I don't want that—can't want it.

He's a stranger for one, not human for another, and I'm not a one and done kind of guy. I can't handle growing too close to someone else so soon, and Rorian comes off as the type of guy you can't walk away from once you get to know him better. My instincts scream at me to keep my distance. I failed last night, and being held by him felt good enough for a repeat. I can't let that happen again. I can't ask him to go either. Asking him to leave doesn't feel right and every time I so much as consider it, I get sick to my stomach, overcome with nausea.

Hating the harsh, awful feeling so much, I won't kick him out but I will put distance between us. Starting now. My heart is in a fragile state and not strong enough to withstand another crack down the center.
