Page 16 of My Demon Rebound

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Rorian groans in his sleep and the sound goes straight to my cock. Holy santeria, I can't turn it off. His legs fall apart and the remote lands between them.

I have to admit, it was kind of adorable seeing Rorian struggle to work the TV and him not knowing about Netflix. I was born only a year before he went into a deep sleep, so we don't have all the same experiences with technology. I'm curious how he'll react to my smartphone and finding out no one plays music on a stereo or boombox anymore. Why do I look forward to showing him how the world works now?

Mumbling unintelligible words in his sleep, he turns to his other side, tugging the blanket with him. I'm still in disbelief that he's real and taking naps with me. A real life demon. Out of all the houses to wake up in, he chose this one and me. Not wanting to disturb him, I tiptoe quietly to the back door and carefully open it before slipping outside. The sun is out and a nice ocean breeze sweeps over me as I walk down the back porch, heading for the private beach.

I can tell it’s midday by the brightness of the sky and the lack of clouds. Not bothering to go back inside to change into swim trunks, I strip down to my underwear and run toward the water. Closing my eyes, I step forward, getting only my feet wet at first. Waves splash against my ankles as I move forward. The smell of salt, sand, and sea hangs in the air, and being out here is so peaceful. Seagulls are squawking and waves slap against each other around me. Although it’s quiet and relaxing, it's also lonely.

Opening my eyes, I take in the beauty wrapped around me. Clear skies, blue water, swaying palm trees, andhim.Wait, he's supposed to be sleeping. Rorian waves at me, stepping closer. I invited myself into his quiet moment and now he's pushing himself into mine.

"I wondered where you went," he says, tugging off his tank top. "I'm glad I found you out here. I haven't been swimming in a long time. I bet the water feels amazing."

"Not since 1995, right?" I squint my eyes when looking up to meet his. Only out here does he appear bigger than me, looming over me like a giant as I crouch down in the water.

"Right." His smile is brighter than the sun as he shimmies out of his pants, not at all bothered by being completely naked in front of me. Is this normal for demons? In hell, do they strut around with their dicks swinging everywhere? If so I need to sin more.

Lifting his hand above his eyes, he looks around, taking in the sun and tilting his head back as if enjoying the warmth on his skin before sticking his feet in the water.

"Stop taking your sweet time and get in already. The water feels perfect. A little cold at first but you get used to it." I lift myself a little, flapping my arms.

"It's nice to be out and about but with it still only being us," he says, submerging himself in the water as he approaches me.

"We don't have a whole lot of options. Can you imagine the attention we'd get if we walked into a restaurant together?" I run a hand through my hair, ringing out some of the water.

"Probably a lot." He chuckles softly, holding his arms out in front of him. "Everyone would panic and run."

"People are too quick to react to everything. Not sure how jumping to the extreme solves anything. You should be able to eat out, if you want. Anyone should."

He quips a brow. “Are you not scared of me at all?"

"Should I be?" Tilting my head, I allow the current to pull me back some. Sure, he's a little intimidating and different, but nothing about him leaves me feeling unsettled. Only at first did I freak out. A random demon came out from the floorboards, saying my blood brought him here. How else was I supposed to react?

I've watched too many horror movies and it never goes well for others in similar situations. Everyone knows when you find some old, leatherbound book buried somewhere to put it the fuck back, but I can't really do the same with a demon.

If he wanted to hurt me, he would've already. Dracula doesn’t ask permission to drink people’s blood. This man has cooked for me, ensured I was drinking enough water, kept me warm as I napped, and treated my wounds. He's caused me less trouble than most humans and is the last person I should fear. What he looks like on the outside doesn't change how he is on the inside.

"No," he finally responds. "And I don't ever want you to be. I'd prefer you run toward me than from me."

"Well since I don't run, I won't be doing either." I smirk.

Laughing, he dips his head in the water, staying under only for a few seconds before coming back up for air. Water drips from his black skin, hair, and horns. Without thinking, I reach out and touch the side of his head, rubbing over where his skin meets the dark-colored bone. Rough ridges spiral around his horn and he eyes me curiously as I continue to explore each visible one.So much for staying away, ya dingdong. "Do they always protrude out of your neck?" I trace along his pulse point before reaching the hard bony growth.

What are you doing? Take your hand away.

"No, only sometimes. It's really unpredictable. No one ever touches them, but then again, I haven't really been this close to anyone in this form."

"Not him either?" I don't say Albert's name because for some reason I don't want him to. The reason I continue asking questions about him is because I want to know more about Rorian. The good, the bad, and everything in between. Albert was what connected him to earth before and I'm what brought him back. Will I be the one to keep him here too? Wait… I'm not supposed to want that.

He covers my hand with his and I practically melt.

I shouldn't want that either.

Tangling our fingers together, he kisses the back of my hand.

Or that.Fucking hell—that's where he's from and where he's taking me apparently.

His brows pull tightly together and he shakes his head. "No. The first and only time he saw me this way, he did everything he could not to touch me, but here you are finding ways you can."

My hand freezes on one of the red cracks of his cheek. "Sorry. My brother told me my curiosity would get me in trouble some day. I can't help myself sometimes though."
