Page 42 of My Demon Rebound

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"What are you talking about? Are you listening to yourself right now? Theon is a liar and cheater. I want nothing to do with him. He wants nothing to do with me either."

"That's not what he told me. He said he misses you and you're the one who left, and the only one here not listening is you."

"He was fucking his best man in the dressing room right before our ceremony." I can feel my skin tightening around my bones.

"You've been lying to get yourself out of things since you were a child. I didn't listen to it then and I won't now. I'll see you in three days. Your mom and brother will be here too, so try to practice your best fake smile."

"Fuck you." All the blood rushes to my head and I'm on the verge of passing out at any moment.

"I'll see you in three days, son. Theon will be here with your tux. If I were you, I'd put it on and make the right choice. If you don't, I'll do it for you. If I have to tie you up and force ‘I do’ from your mouth, I will. I won't let you sink the company."

My throat clogs with emotion and I want to keep screaming but it'll do no good. All I can do is stand here, unmoving and silent, as my father gets back in his fancy ass car. I won't do what he asks. He can threaten me all he wants but I don't want to live a life of misery like he did. He sacrifices a lot for all he has and hates who he is. His marriage to my mom is a sham and so are all the smiles he puts on for the world.

I'm not like him. I never will be. I won't marry Theon. Not in three days or ever. I'd rather crawl under the floorboards where Rory came from and fall into a deep sleep for a thousand years.


My mind flashes to the beautiful demon waiting for me outside. He gave me a glimpse of how differently my life can go and I want the full view. I want him.



Something is wrong. Everly won't say there is but he doesn't have to. He's been quiet and tense ever since his dad left. He sits beside me in the sand, holding my hand tighter than he ever has. Like he's scared if he lets it go, so will I.

"Did you still want me to take you out today?”

He shakes his head, looking at me with sad brown eyes. "No. I want to stay here and be with only you."

Smiling, I rub my horn against his cheek. "That can be arranged. Want to order in? I still haven’t tried that circular food that comes in a box yet."

He laughs. "You mean pizza?"

I'm happy to have made him smile even if it was only for a little while. "Yeah, that. Pizza. I forget all the different names of food humans eat. It's a lot to remember." he shakes his head. "Did something happen? Did your dad hurt you?"

"No." He wraps his arms around his legs, resting his head on his knees. "He's trying to. I won't let him. He wants me to marry Theon."

My blood boils. "Why? After what he did to you?"

"He doesn't believe me. He always thinks I'm lying. I hate him. I hate all of them."

"Oh, sweetheart." I pull him toward me. "They don't matter. What matters is right here." I lace my fingers through his.

"Yeah." He leans his head on mine. "Will you still come with me when I leave?" He grabs my hand tighter.

"You already know the answer to that question."

"Yes, but I want to hear it out loud.Dígame."

"I'll go anywhere you go, Everly. You'll never have to be without me again."

Lifting his head, he crashes his mouth to mine and we don't go inside until darkness falls around us. We stay on the sand, kissing and holding each other in front of the waves. Treating each moment like our last. He's scared. I am too.


Something rubs between us when we enter the house. The cat circles Everly's legs. "There you are, Ghost."

"Is Ghost coming with us too?"
