Page 22 of Preacher

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Brake lights lit up as the truck attempted to get her off their ass, but it didn’t work. She’d rub their bumper with hers just enough to shake up the driver. They’d know she was there. This wasn’t a damn game to her—this was her life they were playing with. Turnabout was fair play and all, or that’s what she’d heard.

As they passed the main drag of Lampsing, blue lights lit up her rearview mirror. Riley silently swore as she slowed down and began to pull over in the parking lot of the Glass House Bed and Breakfast. To her surprise, the cop car flew past her. Letting out a sigh of relief, Riley sat there, resting her head back against the seat.

A knock on her passenger side window startled Riley. Looking over, she saw the local deputy signaling for her to roll the window down. Leaning over the emergency brake, Riley used her left hand to crank down the window. As she did so, she eased the Glock between the seats with her right hand.

“Evening, deputy, is something wrong?” Two damn cop cars. What were the chances?

“You were following that truck mighty close, Miss James.”

“Deputy Wright, call me Riley, like I’ve asked you to many times.”

“Riley, I’ve told you before, the highway isn’t a racetrack. Next time, I’ll give you a ticket.”

“You’re right, I shouldn’t let other drivers antagonize me,” she told the deputy.

“There you go. Now, get home. You look tired,” he told her.

“Thanks, Dale.” Riley gave the deputy a wink and waved as he walked off. Every Sunday, he came out to Muther’s with friends to watch the races. She’d miss cutting up with them come the weekend. Pulling away from the bed and breakfast, she made a U-turn and then headed through town on the main drag.

She drove past The Bread Bowl, stopping for a second to look at the new window display. The woman who owned it had a way of making her shop very appealing. Across the street aways, The Firehouse beer garden was in full swing, with people spilling out onto the sidewalk.

The town of Lampsing appeared to be making a comeback. Riley liked seeing that, especially since she owned a row of small rental cottages on the back side of town. Places like The Coffee Bean, The Bread Bowl, and Decadence were liked by beachgoing tourists.

The Peppered Calf steakhouse brought a lot of people to town just to experience some fine dining. They did have the best steaks in the area. Turning by the park, Riley slowed down and stared at a boutique that had never opened. The windows still showed merchandise, but there was no signage stating the name or business hours.What a shame, she thought. On occasion, she had walked by and peered in the windows. The place had great stuff and a lot of potential.What she could do with a place like that. Shrugging at the thought, she rolled past, heading home.

* * *

Half an hour later, it was a bubble bath, cold tacos, and a tall glass of milk. She was beginning to feel like herself again. Her favorite movie played on the bedroom TV as she tried relaxing in the old clawfoot tub. Biting into a taco, she made a mental note of all the things she needed to do. The first thing on her list was finding boxes so she could pack up her things at Muther’s. Second, she needed to find a lawyer who could help her with her share of stock in the bar.

She switched gears and made a mental note that she needed to do laundry in the morning. Who was she kidding? She wasn’t going to bed anytime soon. Her mind was still on the guy she’d saved.Preacher.His name whispered across her thoughts. When she closed her eyes, Riley could still see him struggling to get up from the dirty pavement, still see him slumped in the passenger seat of the car. Letting out a breath, she tried to shake off the five-pound ball that was now sitting in the pit of her stomach. Again, she needed to find a way to get past it.

“It’s over, Riley. You saved him,” she told herself, hoping the words would sink in.

She sighed as she ate the last bite of the taco. At that moment, she realized she would miss Muther’s. She tried telling herself that she’d wanted out. The truth was, she’d miss the girls and some of the customers. She didn’t know what to do with downtime. It wasn’t healthy for her hands to be idle.

Riley would miss the roar of the engines and the lights counting down until it was go-time. She’d miss the smell of gasoline and burnt rubber, the feeling of mud slick under her tires as she drove high in the curves. She’d miss rubbing bumpers and shoving people into the walls. Most of all, she’d miss working on the cars.

Glancing down, Riley giggled at seeing cheese and lettuce floating in her bubbles. “Well, isn’t that just fantastic?” Using her toes, she unplugged the tub and then shoved herself upward to where she could get out. She needed to get a life.Cheese and lettuce in her tub.Shaking her head, she climbed out and grabbed a towel to dry off with.

Wrapping the towel around her body, Riley padded out of the bathroom and across her bedroom. Plopping down onto the bed, she grabbed her phone and called Whip. They’d been friends too long to let this shit divide them. Did she want out of Muther’s? Eventually, yes. Just not like this.

“Riley. Everything okay?” Whip asked like a mom checking on her wayward child.

“Whip. We can’t fight over this bullshit,” she told her friend.

“I know. I also know I’ve been stepping on everyone’s toes.” It would be hard to admit that to anyone but Riley.

“Well, you do have big feet.” Riley laughed.

“There was a vote after you walked out.” Whip listened to Riley’s breathing, waiting, wondering if she’d ask. When she remained silent, Whip continued. “They voted that your punishment is not being suspended but that you have to work every weekend for a month. No racing.”

“Screw that shit. I’d rather you buy me out,” Riley grumbled, pissed that she wouldn’t be racing.

Whip laughed into the phone. “I told them you’d say that.”

“And what did they say?”

“They all predicted you would respond exactly as you did.”

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