Page 46 of Preacher

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Bones wanted to beat the hell out of Jack. “God damn it. I just changed the locks. And I have to tell Preacher about this.”

“Can you leave me out of the equation?” Riley asked, shrugging.

“Riley, I’m sure Preacher didn’t sleep with Jack,” Bones said, and Riley shrugged again.

“Oh, I know he’s not up for that just yet. The deal is, I don’t think he’s interested in me as more than a friend. And he doesn’t need me taking up space in his house now that he’s moving around better.”

“So, you’re just gonna split?” Bones asked as he stepped closer to Riley.

“I think it’s best,” Riley replied as she looked around the space.

“Maybe you’re the stupid one,” Bones said as he pulled out his phone.

Maybe she was, and maybe she wasn’t. One thing she was sure of was she wasn’t sticking around to find out. “See ya ‘round, Bones.”

“See ya ‘round, Riley.”

As Riley walked back toward her car, something wasn’t sitting right with her. There was more to Preacher’s ex’s little visit. At the sound of tires squealing, Riley caught sight of Jack’s Camaro. Quickening her pace, she hopped into her car and turned the key.

Jack might be able to squeal a set of tires, but she couldn’t out-drive Riley. And Riley wanted the rest of the story. Hitting the gas, she made an illegal U-turn in the middle of the street and took off after the brunette. Glancing in the rearview mirror, she saw Bones step into the street, talking on his phone.

She was sure he was talking to Preacher. She shouldn’t care, but damn it, she did. Her foot barely brushed the brake pedal as she made the corner. Then, the chase was on. If she got through town without getting pulled over, it would be a miracle.

Riley realized Jack was well aware of her chasing her when the girl ran the one red light in town, almost causing a wreck. When the police cruiser pulled out with its sirens blaring, Riley chuckled as she slowed down. As she rolled past Jack, she laughed harder as she noticed it was one of the deputies who couldn’t care less about her tear-filled eyes and fluttering eyelashes.

Pulling into an empty parking spot, she turned off the car. Easing out, she stepped onto the sidewalk and moved with a small group of ladies window shopping. It took less time to get back to Jack’s car than it did for the cop to get the brunette to sign the ticket.

Riley waited until the cop pulled away to yank the passenger door open on the Camaro. When she slid into the seat, she saw the shocked look on Jack’s face. “I think you and I need to finish our conversation.”

Jack stared at Riley, shocked the blonde was sitting in her passenger seat. Damn, she should’ve learned some of that fancy fighting shit from Phoenix and Viper. “I don’t have anything else to say.”

Riley reached over, snatching the ticket from Jack’s hand. “This is gonna cost you a couple hundred bucks.” Riley tossed the ticket on the dash. “I have a friend digging into your life.” Tapping her fingers against her knee, Riley watched Jack. “You can come clean about what you really meant last night, or I’ll find out every single thing about you and tell Preacher.”

Jack rested her head against the steering wheel. “I should’ve left town like Doc told me to.”

“Why didn’t you?” Riley asked as she looked around, not wanting to get caught with Jack.

“I didn’t want anyone to know I screwed up. Again,” Jack whined.

Interested in where Jack had been all this time had Riley asking that exact question. “Where did you go?”

“Back to Greg, the guy Preacher caught me in the hotel with.”

Wow. No wonder Preacher was standoffish. “What happened at Greg’s that sent you running back to Preacher?”

Riley listened to Jack tell her the story of how she went to Greg’s, where she’d been since leaving Preacher. She told Riley how she stayed high half the time, and without realizing it, she had told Greg every detail of Preacher’s life. When she found out Greg had attacked Preacher, she tried to leave, but Greg slapped her around and threatened to kill her if she told anyone. She had been heading to Reno when she decided to come clean with Preacher.

“What happened last night after I left?” She needed to know so she could move on, or it would stay with her.

“Nothing. Preacher is a decent guy. I was scared Greg would track me down and I wanted somewhere to stay.”

“You were hoping Preacher would give you money to get to Reno?”

“Yeah, but he didn’t.”

“That’s why you went to the shop to grab stuff to sell?” Riley watched Jack nod her reply. “I’m going to help you, Jack.”

Jack looked at Riley, shocked at what the girl had just said. “What?”
