Page 45 of Preacher

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Pulling from the curb, Riley cruised through town, watching for Jack’s Camaro. She found it parked in front of the little boutique.Interesting.Parking her car, Riley slipped out from behind the wheel and closed the door. Pulling out her phone, she snapped a round of images before stepping onto the curb. Five quick steps had her at the store’s open entrance. Peering inside, she saw Jack dashing around, stuffing items into bags. Stepping through the doorway, Riley cleared her throat. She shook her head, watching the petite brunette spin around, almost toppling over. “You can put the bags down, Jack,” she told her.

Jack couldn’t believe that Preacher’s new woman was standing in the doorway. “Preacher said I can have anything I want.”

Riley leaned against the doorframe, giving Jack a tight smile. “Did he? I’ll just call him and make sure. Then I’ll call the cops.”

“Fuck you,” Jack snapped at Riley.

“You’re not my type.” Riley stepped inside and closed the door. She knew the moment Jack realized she was trapped. There was no getting past her.

“Fine. He didn’t say I could have anything. I took the key while he was asleep in the other room,” Jack shouted, wanting to get a few things to sell. She needed money so she could get to Reno.

Damn, this chick was a piece of work. Nodding, Riley moved farther into the building. Cocking her head to the side, she eyed Jack until the girl dropped the bags. “Tell me how you messed up. Again.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Jack stepped to the right, and Riley did the same.

Riley held out her arms, showing Jack she was not getting by her. “That’s how you’re gonna play this?”

“I’m not playing anything. I wanted some of my merchandise to sell online and needed the key to get in.” There, she told the blonde the truth.

“Well, you aren’t leaving here with anything. All of this belongs to Preacher. His credit cards paid for it. That means it’s his.” Riley pulled out her phone to call Preacher and barely got out of the way as Jack ran for the door. “Dumb bitch.”

Riley thumbed through the pictures, making sure she had a good image of Jack’s license plate. Smiling, she shot the image to Temple before sending her a text.

Riley: Temple, I need a favor.

Temple: What can I do for you, babes?

Riley: I need everything you can get me on Jack Landry. This is her license plate. Car is a 2019 Camaro.

Temple: What am I looking for exactly?

Riley: I want it all. Where’s she’s worked. Where she’s working now. I want names of her friends and family. I want to know how much money she has in her piggy bank. I want to know the last time she pissed.

Temple: Someone has messed with the wrong bitch this morning.

Riley: Last night to be exact.

Temple: Babes, I’ll have a dossier on her in less than twelve hours.

Riley shoved her phone into her back pocket and looked around the shop. Damn shame this place isn’t open. “Riley, what are you doing in here?” a man’s voice asked her.

Peering over her shoulder, she saw Bones standing right inside the doorway. “Your brother’s ex snaked the key last night while he slept.”

“What did you just say?” Bones was shocked by what Riley told him.

“Jack came by the house. Preacher let her in. I left. This morning, when I went by, he was walking her to her car. It was just too sweet watching them.” Riley rolled her eyes. HARD.

“Fuck that shit,” Bones spat out. He’d kick Preacher’s ass for this shit.

Riley pointed to the bags that Jack dropped. “I decided she was up to no good and followed her. See those two bags full of merchandise?”

“Yeah.” Bones stared at the bags and didn’t like where this conversation was going.

“That was what she was after. She wanted to sell the merchandise online,” Riley told Bones as she looked at her phone, hoping Temple would get back with her.

“Whore,” Bones said.

“I don’t think she’s a whore. She’s spoiled and stupid.” Riley stuffed her hands into the pockets of her jeans, smiling at Bones. “Someone ruined that chick, for sure. Also, she didn’t leave the key.”
