Page 55 of Preacher

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Ink: tattoo

Center punched: club’s logo stripped from the vest back (punishment)

Keep reading for an excerpt From Doc

The town of Lampsing was quiet. Sunday nights weren’t known for anything happening in the seashore town. The rows of motorcycles outside the Firehouse Beer Garden would make people think the place was open for business. It wasn’t. Inside stood and sat almost four dozen men. Outside, there were at least another dozen watching the bikes or waiting in the shadows, ready for trouble to arise.

Tonight, another kind of trouble was taking place in Lampsing. A storm had unexpectedly blown in off the Pacific Ocean, causing poor road conditions for travelers and locals out in it. According to the weather, the storm would pass before midnight. That timeline left a lot of room for shit to go south.

Adrik Davies, a.k.a. Doc, stood with his arms folded across his chest and his legs spread. His feet firmly planted where he stood. His height alone sometimes caused men to test him. Tonight, he hoped someone tried him. He’d been edgy for the last month due to a blue-eyed blonde keeping him up late at night. The problem with that was she was only in his dreams, not in his bed.

Rain slashing against the windows caught his attention, and he felt bad for the men outside. The meeting going on inside was about a support club causing problems for the one percent clubs in the area. No matter what Gypsy tried to say, the Kings were a one percent club. They just had different rules than the other clubs.

Arguing across the room had him taking a step away from the door. Gypsy held up his hand, stopping him. He searched the room to locate Romeo, Tabor, Angel, and Trip. The only other enforcer with the Gypsy Kings was Wrench, and he was on a roof across the street watching the play-by-play through his rifle’s scope.

“Gypsy, you pulled us away from our territories for some piece of shit support group?” Desi questioned the President of the Gypsy Kings. He was pissed he brought his men out in one hell of a storm to talk about bullshit.

“No, Desi, we’re here to talk about the guys who are behind all the shit that’s been happening.” The information that Whip and The Muthers had turned over to them was a list of four names, and the names led Fiddler down a cyber path of dark shit. These fuckers were playing for keeps. They were also hard as hell to find.

Tailor sat in the back corner, shielded by Wardog, Trick, and Pierce. Scooting his chair back, he moved the men from his viewpoint. “Desi, you and I have had a lot of years on the road filled with respect. Maybe we should let Gypsy tell us what he knows about the men that are a threat to our clubs.”

Desi didn’t like having the president of another one percent club telling him what to do, no matter how long they’d known one another. But he’d listen for the sake of his club. “I’m listening.”

“Fiddler found a cyber address, which led us down more than one rabbit hole. We managed to get a list of four names.” Pointing to Fiddler, the brother sent a text to the two other club presidents. When Gypsy heard the pings, he continued talking. “Those are the men we’re looking for. So far, all we know is who they are. There are links to the information on each man. Before we continue to look for them, we need to know where your clubs stand on it. The Blade Runners and the Road Devils have both been targeted, as well as the Gypsy Kings.”

Everyone started talking at one time. It was nothing but a clusterfuck. Sometimes men could be no more than a bunch of damn women, Doc thought from his spot by the door. In the midst of the commotion, the door came open, allowing a hooded figure to stumble inside.

Doc spun around, grabbing the figure by both arms as a prospect came in behind the person. “I tried to stop them.” Doc heard the kid say.

“Well, you failed.” Doc watched the kid dart back outside, where the storm had ebbed into a light drizzle. Looking down at the shorter person, Doc shoved the hood back on the person’s raincoat. Large blue eyes locked on his, and he had a split second to react.

“Mon ange, what are you doing out in this shit?” Raising an eyebrow at Mercury, he hoped like hell she realized the position she was in.

Glancing around the restaurant, she recognized a club meeting in progress. Being raised around the life, she reacted fast to Doc calling her his angel in French. “I was run off the road. My rig’s on the side of the road with two flats.” Dropping her head in a submissive move, she mumbled about being sorry.

“I forgot the place was closed tonight for a private event.” There was no way she’d admit knowing it was a club meeting.

“I can’t leave right now.” Glancing around, he found Gypsy staring at him. “Gypsy, my old lady got run off the road. Can I bring her to the back room until we’re finished? Or do you want her to wait outside?”

“That’s your old lady Doc?” asked Tailor.

Fuck. “Yeah.” Tugging Mercury around, he wrapped a protective arm around her shoulders, tucking her into his side.

“Then why would you want that sexy piece of ass to wait outside?” Tailor added.

Doc stepped forward, shoving Mercury behind him just like he should do as her old man. “What did you say about my woman?”

He watched Tailor smile, then listened as he laughed. “We can take a break while you settle her down in the back. Don’t be long,” Tailor added as he turned to speak with Desi and Gypsy privately.

Doc kept Mercury between him and the bar as he took her to the back of the Firehouse. He knew Angel had his back, he could almost feel the brother’s breath on his neck.

“Where’s your truck?” he asked, watching Mercury strip off her raincoat. Her T-shirt and jeans, already fitted, now soaked from the rain, clung to her like a second skin. It left nothing to Doc’s imagination, and he had a great imagination.

Mercury hung her dripping coat on a hook beside the door. Rubbing her pruned hands over her damp arms, she tried not to shiver, but damn she was cold. “About two miles out of town. It’s my truck and my trailer.”

“Your trailer?” Doc wasn’t sure why he thought she lived in Riley’s house. The sound of a trailer had him thinking she was on the move.

“It’s a vintage camper I turned into a little boutique.” He heard her voice shake.
