Page 18 of Pretty Evil

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She nods. “Or I could have arranged to run away with Marcel.”

“You wouldn’t get very far.”

I nod toward the window. “Unless you have a death wish.”

“Maybe I do.”

She shrugs and for some reason her words sadden me. I lift her face to mine and whisper, “You have everything to live for and if I get my way, you will live a long and happy life.”

“By terminating the contract.” She shakes her head. “It will soon be replaced by another. It’s an impossible mission that I won’t hold you to.”

She nods toward the door.

“Where next?”

As I take her hand, there really is only one place I want to be right now, but there is business to attend to first and what I have in mind could ruin everything.

* * *

The next roomwe stop at is my office. There are many men working at desks, and I notice Gleb tapping into a computer in the corner. I stop by his desk and speak in Russian, which angers her because she taps me on the shoulder and says, “Don’t be rude. If you want to keep secrets, do it when I’m not around.”

“Says the woman who had a private conversation in Italian with her new love interest.” I raise my eyes and Gleb grins as I say evenly. “I was asking him to check out Stoner if you must know.”

“You mean you haven’t already. You really do need to learn to investigate who you are doing business with.”

She rolls her eyes, causing Gleb to grin wider and as we pass, she drops him a wink that he rewards with a broad smile.

She follows me in and perches on the edge of the desk and says with interest. “I like your office.”

“You like my office?” I shake my head. “The least impressive room on this aircraft has impressed you more than anything else.”

She nods. “Because it’s part of you. The other places were communal ones. This space is filled with your personality and your scent.”

“My scent?” I grin. “Are you saying I smell, Serena?”

“I am.”

She crooks her finger summoning me, and as I stand before her, she leans in and presses a light kiss to my chest before inhaling deeply and groaning.

“I love your scent, Alexei. If I could bottle it, I would.”

Just feeling her lips on my skin causes the blood to rush to my cock and with a low growl I pull her head up and leaning down, kiss her soft lips with a hunger that is only increasing the more time I spend with her.

She tastes of wicked delight, and I never realized how addictive it was.

She cups my hard cock through the fabric and whispers, “It appears you are getting impatient.”

I bite down on her neck, causing her to moan softly, and I whisper, “I could say the same to you.”

I make to lift her hoody and she wriggles out from my grasp and faces me with her eyes shining. Her heightened color reveals how much I affect her, and she gasps, “Not here. I want to visit your bedroom, Alexei, because if this room smells of you, that room must be paradise.”

It makes me laugh, but then, as always, business comes first and so with a sigh, I point to the phone on my desk.

“I’m sorry about this tiger, but we need to call home first.”

“I don’t understand.” She appears nervous and I say with a sigh. “It’s the respectful thing to do because your family must be worried. They will know you weren’t on that flight and your guard will be paying the price for that.”

“I guess.”
