Page 65 of Pretty Evil

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“Regina. What’s the story there?”

“I don’t believe your aunt and Stoner ordered the hit on you.”

“But…” She stares at me in shock.

“My brother Valentin can hack into people’s systems, and he used his talents on Regina. He accessed her records and files along with her emails and discovered the thread that concerned you. She uses an email address on the dark web and it’s where most of her business comes from and the IP address that the customer used was traced to Australia.”

“I don’t understand.”

She looks so worried I want to shield her from the harsh realities, and I say gently, “If it helps, I don’t believe you were in any danger.”

“What makes you say that?”

“I suspect Regina was employed by your mom.”

“NO!” Serena is devastated and her lower lip trembles and I reassure her quickly, “Regina was told to drug the martini cocktail on the understanding it was your drink. It was a drug that causes a heart attack in the victim and is untraceable in an autopsy. I watched what happened, knowing that Regina had drugged the cocktail, but everyone but Stoner had champagne. I noticed your mom staring at Stoner as if she was waiting for something. She was anxious, and I knew something wasn’t right.”

“But Stoner always drank martini cocktails. I can’t stand them, and neither can mom.”

Serena shakes her head in disbelief. “But why pretend the hit was on me? It doesn’t make sense.”

“It makes perfect sense.” I laugh softly.

“It appears that your mom wanted Stoner dead, and she framed your Aunt Giselle for his murder, should anyone find out. She made certain she wouldn’t be blamed if there was an investigation. If anything went wrong, your family would seek revenge against your aunt and Stoner because Regina believed it came from Giselle Matasso and that is why I brought her tonight. I wanted to witness your mom’s reaction to her as well as Giselle’s. Your mom was unsettled by her presence and your aunt didn’t react at all. That told me I was right. Your mom murdered Stoner to set herself free.”

Serena leans back and exhales sharply. “Way to go, mom.”

She laughs softly. “Well, it worked. So at least she got her wish. I suppose she did learn a few tricks all the time she was married to my father.”

“It appears so.”

The car stops and I grip Serena’s hand tightly.

“We can finally relax. You are safe, your mom is free, and Stoner is where he belongs.”

“Well, that’s a relief.” She turns and leans toward me and kisses me softly on the lips, whispering, “Thank you. It means a lot.”

The door opens and I exit the car, pulling her along with me, glad we can finally put this behind us.

This is where we began, nothing but dark desire and some time to kill and I am going to make this a night she will never forget.



It’s as a heavy load has shifted from my soul. I didn’t appreciate how much it was dragging me down until Alexei solved the mystery.

If anything, I’m proud of my mom for taking matters into her own hand and Stoner deserved everything coming to him. That’s what happens when you manipulate others to suit your own agenda. You run the risk that they will do the same. He underestimated my mom, and that was his fatal mistake.

Now I’m back where I started. Beside a man who makes my heart race and my senses scramble. A man I can’t stop thinking about and desire to be with at all times. He is the first man who has affected me this way, and I suspect it’s because I have lived among men like him. Powerful, self-assured and take no shit.

It helps that he’s also incredibly handsome with that rugged edge that drives the woman in me to distraction. His sharp suits and heady aftershave are a turn on, but it’s those glittering eyes and wicked smile that get me every time. Yes, Alexei Romanov was crafted from the wish list written in my soul, which is probably why it hurt so much seeing him with someone else.

We head up to his penthouse and, much like the one overlooking Sydney harbor, this one surveys the skyline of Chicago in one of the most expensive districts. Like everything about the Romanovs, this penthouse is amazing. It’s modern, chic and expensive. I am almost afraid to move out of fear of disturbing the carefully placed objects and stunning décor. Nothing looks used and I stare in wonder at a room that ticks every box I own.

“You really must give me the name of your designer. Your homes are incredible.” I say in awe.

“Ask mom, she arranges that shit.” Alexei shrugs and tosses his jacket onto the white sofa and kicks off his shoes.
