Page 64 of Pretty Evil

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I break away before I say something I’ll regret and head back to the reception. I have twenty minutes to get the answers I need before leaving with the man I can’t break my addiction for. The trouble is, I couldn’t stay if I tried because, like it or not, Alexei Romanov has gotten under my skin and become an itch that needs constant scratching.



Twenty minutes later and I am waiting in my car, glancing at my watch, hoping that Serena doesn’t make this difficult for me. Twenty-five minutes pass and I make to leave the car and notice her running down the stairs like fucking Cinderella.

“Sorry.” She says, her breath racing. “I was stopped by an over eager friend of my brothers.”

“I say nothing and pull her into the car after me and as the door slams, it wastes no time in moving away from the curb.

“So, Alexei…” She doesn’t get the chance to finish her sentence as I pull her into my arms and kiss her as if my life depends on it.

If I had any concerns that she was angry with me, I’m reassured as she eases the jacket off my shoulders and pushes her hands under my shirt, raking her nails down my chest and saying huskily, “I fucking hate you right now.”

I push her dress up around her waist and pull her panties aside, plunging two fingers deep inside her and whisper, “How much do you hate me now?”

“I detest you.” She growls as she bites my lip and cups my balls through the fabric of my pants.

As she unzips them with speed I growl, “What about now?”

“I’m liable to kill you.” She groans as I pump three fingers inside her and massage her clit at the same time.

Then she squeezes my cock hard and pumps it furiously, hissing, “I hate you more than anyone in the world right now.”

“Why does that turn me on?” I groan as I pull her onto my lap and thrust up inside her hard.

She grips my hair and squeezes my cock, moaning with pleasure as she rides me hard and fast. I thrust up relentlessly and without care and she gasps, “Fuck, Alexei. I hate you so much.”

“I’m sure you do, tiger.”

I grunt as I press hard on her clit, causing her to tense and then gasp as her entire body convulses on me. I shoot hard inside her, and she leans down and kisses me so fiercely it does something to my heart. I wrap my arms around her and hold on tight as I kiss her with a passion I have never felt before. Her fingers tangle in my hair and I grip hers tightly, holding her head in place as I taste the woman I can’t stop thinking about.

When she is not with me, I’m picturing moments like this, desperate for the next fix, because I already know I am addicted to her. I haven’t had nearly enough of her yet and tonight I am overdosing on Serena Vieri, even if it kills me.

* * *

The car stops abruptly,causing her to fall back and then against me harder and we hear an apologetic, “Sorry boss, a cat ran into the road.” through the privacy screen.

Serena stares at me and then giggles so adorably, I tighten my hold. I am still deep inside her and in no hurry to leave and as she grips me tightly, she lays her head on my shoulder and whispers, “It hurt so much.”

She doesn’t even need to tell me what she is referring to and I whisper, “It was business. She was there for information purposes only.”

“Are you going to tell me?”

She holds me tighter, and I nuzzle her hair and whisper, “Of course.”

I reach inside my pocket and pull out a handkerchief and hand it to her as we attempt to disentangle from one another.

She pulls her dress down and sits beside me and as soon as we are respectable, I grasp her hand firmly.

“You’re not going to like this, little one.”

“Tell me something new.” She shakes her head and laughs. “There’s not a lot in my life I like, Alexei, unless it involves doing unspeakable things with you.”

It makes me laugh. “Then allow me to make your dreams come true.”

I grip her hand hard, and she turns, a steely glint in her eyes as she says firmly.
