Page 42 of Born Evil

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There will be no way back from this.

If they promise to slink away into the darkest corner they can find, they will escape prosecution for their sins. If they fight back, there will be warrants for their arrest and no judge on the planet will allow them to walk away from a lifetime behind bars.

Yes, I have every avenue covered and the Vieris are about to learn that the pupil has become the master and there is fuck all they can do about that.

We finish our meal and,as promised, I drive Laura to view my penthouse that overlooks the harbor. It’s impressive even by my standards and as we take the elevator situated in a heavily guarded lobby, her eyes are wide with impressed awe.

“I can’t believe people live like this.” She gazes around as if she’s on another planet and I love watching her reaction to something most women take for granted when I bring them here.

“It’s okay.” I shrug and she shakes her head.

“You really are an arrogant asshole sometimes, Troy.”

I’m shocked and she rolls her eyes. “Why can’t you just accept you live a different life to the rest of mankind and be a little humble about it? I mean, that lobby is bigger than my entire apartment block and the cost of the flowers alone would feed a family of four for a month, if not longer. Money is wasted to create an image of wealth that ordinary people can only dream of.”

She shakes her head and I say without care, “This is my life, Laura and I will not apologize for how I live, or how I make my money. I employ close to ten thousand people all over the world and provide money for their bills, vacations, and clothes for their kids. I donate to many charities, generously, and I have set up my own foundation for children without parents, so get off your high horse and suck it up because I do way more than most.”

Her eyes fill with tears, and she whispers, “You have a charity? For kids?”

I decide not to tell her it was set up for tax reasons and nod. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I want to help kids with nothing?”

I’m surprised when she crosses the short distance and stands on her tiptoes and plants a soft kiss on my lips and whispers, “Thank you. I’m sorry I misjudged you.”

She is so close, there is hardly any air between us and as I gaze into her soulful eyes that shine with happiness, I have an overwhelming desire to kiss her hard, deeply and make it count for something.

Instead, the elevator comes to a halt and the doors open into an apartment that causes her mouth to drop as she stares at the city in full panoramic splendor, opening up before her incredulous eyes.

“Wow!” She pulls away and moves into the apartment, staring with wonder at a little piece of paradise.

“I love it.” She gasps as she moves to stare out of the window and presses her face to the glass in wonder.

“It’s as if we’re flying over the city.”

She turns and the delight in her expression is infectious, so I grasp her hand and say with a wink, “Come, I’ll show you something even more impressive.”

“Is that what you say to all the girls?” She giggles and for some reason, it makes me chuckle. I don’t know what it is about Laura that makes life a little lighter somehow and as I pull her up the spiral staircase, we head through a door onto a terrace that wraps around the entire building.

“You own this?” Her eyes are dancing with admiration, and I love how good it makes me feel and I nod. “Only the best, Laura. Remember.”

She gazes around her in incredulous disbelief and I can see why because I never tire of this view. The terrace is luxury on ascale that even impresses me. Soft white seating set before fire pits. A hot tub that overlooks the harbor on one side and another one on the other side that looks over the city.

There is a custom-built outdoor kitchen by the harbor view and a bar nearby equipped with everything needed to make a party a memorable one.

Beautiful plants in huge, oversized pots are littered at intervals around the terrace and privacy screens are everywhere should they be required, as well as an outside gym that is a particular favorite of mine.

“I love it.” She claps her hands with delight, and I lean against the wall, watching her reaction with pride.

Women don’t act impressed around me. They try to disguise their delight as they focus on only one thing. Securing my attention with sex that they hope will make me fall in love with them. I’ll never understand women like that because why would I fall in love with a slut?

No, as I watch Laura roaming around the terrace, touching everything and grinning as she catches my eye, it shows me what I really want in life. Someone like her. Unspoilt, excitable and, above all else, the most beautiful, sexy woman I have ever met in my life, and she doesn’t even know it.



Iam blown away by Troy’s penthouse in the sky. It’s impossible not to be and something changed my opinion of him on the ride up here. He’s a good man underneath that cold exterior. He has a charity. By choice. For children without parents. I am one of those, even though until I fell down this rabbit hole, I thought I had both.

As I wander around his personal space, I like what I see and when I catch his eye, I shiver inside. What’s not to like about this man, except his arrogant assholery ways? He is my dream man in every other aspect, and I don’t know if it’s hot out here, but the sight of him watching me through rather predatory eyes is doing something to me inside.
