Page 6 of Born Evil

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I wait for her to answer, and she says nervously, “Thank you for the opportunity, sir. I won’t let you down.”

I nod and reach for a folder I prepared earlier.

“In here is everything you need. Passwords, instructions, and codes to gain entry to rooms that are only available to management. Memorize them and keep them somewhere safe. You willnotbecome a security risk to my organization. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes sir.”

I love the way her breath is labored, and her chest heaves, and I smile to myself. Yes, it will be an absolute pleasure to observe this innocent princess break apart.



Iam so out of my depth I’m drowning. The sheer enormity of what I’ve taken on is pulling me under and I’m struggling. I don’t belong here. I can’t believe I am here at all, and yet he’s right. This is an opportunity I must make work because the possibilities are endless. The money for one thing. It’s enough for me to rent a smart condo of my own and gain some independence from my family. It’s my ticket to adulthood and I can’t let anything ruin that.

I’m nervous and freaking terrified, but I have an inner strength that has always been there that makes me determined to see this through. I want to be the best fucking assistant this man has ever had the privilege of working for him and so I suck it up and just nod in all the right places and try to make it look as if I know what I am doing.

It’s bad enough that he is every fantasy I ever had in the looks department. His personality, not so much and his next question takes me by surprise when he says in a deep voice, “Have you got a boyfriend, Laura?”

It makes me jump and I wonder if I’ve misheard him and say nervously, “No, um, no, definitely not.”

He settles back in his chair and nods. “Good.”

Then he leans forward and fixes me with a deep stare. “It will save you the pain of a break-up when you can no longer spare him your time.”

My eyes are wide as he grins, and I swear my heart flutters, which irritates me more than he will ever know.

“From now on, I am the only man in your life, Laura. I demand your time and attention and do not tolerate distractions.”

“Distractions?” I say weakly and he nods.

“I don’t want relationship issues disrupting your work. Jealous boyfriends, arguments and fights or loving calls during the day that I pay you for. I am now everything in your life and I expect one hundred percent of your attention. Do I make myself clear?”

I could so easily tell him to shove his demands because what the actual fuck? How dare he expect me to live and breathe him and nobody else? I am a person, not a robot, and yet there is that niggling thing in the back of my mind that is telling me not to waste this opportunity. I can’t give up at the first hurdle, so I grit my teeth and say sharply, “I can assure you, Mr. Remington, that you will have one hundred percent of my attention from seven thirty am until seven thirty pm as agreed. There will be distractions; I give you my word on that.”

He nods, apparently satisfied with my response, and says roughly, “It’s ten am, Laura. What happens on the hour?”

I almost jump to attention and say quickly, “Of course, sir. Coffee, hot, black, and strong. Coming right up.”

I scramble from the chair and as I get halfway to the door, his voice hits me like a whip. “Have you forgotten something?”


I turn and wonder if I’m meant to bow or something and almost consider it but then I see him holding out the file heprepared for me and, swallowing hard, I head over to him and take it from his hand.

“Thank you, sir. Um–”

“The coffee, Laura.” He sighs and turns his attention to his computer, effectively cutting off all communication and I do an Edie and back out of the room, wishing like hell this opportunity had gone to someone else.

As I walkthrough the executive suite, it’s eerie as fuck. Where is everyone? There is a desk outside that I take to be mine, probably because my name is in gold lettering on a plaque.

Laura Kincaid—pa to Troy Remington.

I take a moment to stare at it in wonder and sneak a quick photo with my phone that I share to the What’s App group.

My phone lights up like a Christmas tree, but there is no time to reply because I need to locate the kitchen and fast.

I make my way through the suite and, armed with the list of codes, I attempt to search for the kitchen.
