Page 61 of Born Evil

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My breath quickens and he whispers,“What’s up, little one? Do you need me to rescue you?”

“Sort of.” There’s a long silence on the other end, as I say quickly. “I want you to take me to my grandparents.”

“That will be quite a journey. Are you sure about that, gorgeous?”

I swear even this guy’s voice could get me pregnant and I say breathlessly, “I’m sure. I can be ready in thirty minutes.”

“I’ll meet you downstairs.”

He cuts the call, and my heart is racing because what the hell am I thinking?

Troy told me to stay here. He said it for a reason and yet here I am, taking matters into my own hand and going there, anyway.

“You’re going where?”

Gemma stares at me with concern as I say lightly, “I don’t know where exactly but, well, um, Troy has asked if I’ll join him.”

“Man, that sucks.” Brittany looks so disappointed I say quickly, “But you can both stay here. Make the most of it and order whatever you like. It’s all paid for, so you may as well take advantage of that.”

“Are you kidding me?” Brittany screams with delight and Gemma says with concern, “Are you sure you’re okay, Laura? You seem, well, on edge.”

“I’m fine. Just happy to be going to join my man.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake.”

Brittany rolls her eyes. “Will you stop rubbing it in? Your man. Where can I get me one of those?”

I shake my head and smile. “I’ll see if I can introduce you both to some eligible bachelors. Anyway, sorry to leave and all that, but have fun. It’s an order.”

“That I am willing to obey.” Gemma smiles softly.

“Missing you already, honey.”

“Me too.” I blow a kiss and grab my overnight bag with my passport firmly placed inside. I am leaving nothing to chance because I will be there for Troy, whether he likes it or not.

I makemy way out of the building and my heart rate increases when I notice the man waiting for me. Once again, he is sitting astride his motorbike, and he hands me the spare helmet while he stows my bag in the panier.

“Good to see you, little one.”

He winks, and I think about my two friends upstairs. They would shit a brick if they could see him, and I’m almost tempted to introduce them before we leave. It would keep me giggling all the way to wherever we’re going, but I can’t waste time on frivolity when Troy and Melissa could be in danger.

As we head out into the traffic, I shout, “Where are we going?”

“The airport.” He replies and as we set off, I only hope we’re not too late.



It takes several hours of frustrating worry before we land in Sicily. During the flight, I emailed the number I have for Don Vieri and informed him of my arrival and requested a meeting with him. I’m not stupid and realize the island will be guarded like a fortress and no sailor in Italy would attempt to take me there without his permission.

Several hours into the flight, I had my response that merely told me a boat would be waiting in the harbor and he looked forward to meeting with me. The rest of the flight was spent trying to get some sleep so I had a clear head when I came face to face with the man I am trying to destroy.

We landin a hot climate that ordinarily I would be enchanted to spend time in. Now I hope to leave as quickly as I came with my sister as my traveling companion. I intend on agreeing to his terms because nothing matters more to me than Melissa’s safety and it’s my intention to keep Laura firmly out of it.

I will play the card of ignorance and reassure him of my loyalty and if that makes me a coward, then so be it because I don’t have any fight left in me. They can ruin The Dark Lords if they want to. I just want Laura and will step away if I must from the society that has been so instrumental in my success.
