Page 13 of Twisted Attraction

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I must be hallucinating or maybe I’m dreaming again. But the more I stare at the girl in front of me, the more tangible it becomes. There is no mistaking who she is. She’s the mysterious girl I’ve been searching for. I couldn’t forget her even if I wanted to, especially her beautiful face that appears in my dreams every night. Every molecule of doubt that could exist has been discarded by her shocked expression.

Her face is so pale, it’s as if she’s seen a ghost. But she still looks as gorgeous as I remember from that night. Her five-foot frame is slender but curvy in a perfect way. Her legs–legs that were wrapped around my torso, trapping me in place as I found my release that night–are stunning. Even in her casual shorts, they’re enough to make even the most jaded guy stop and take a second and third look.

Her blond hair is tied in a loose bun instead of cascading down her back like it was that night. Still, it’s driving me wild. It makes her neck stand out in a sexy way that makes me want to just reach out and touch it, smell it, inhale it.

As if I could ever forget her scent.

At the memory, my cock hardens, tenting against my pants. I turn my body to block the view of it.

What the hell is wrong with me? I can’t believe I’m getting hard over this young woman when my own daughter is standing right beside me. What kind of sick father am I?

ButChloe–her soft, kissable lips have a sensual slant that draws me in. Her straight, slender nose, high cheekbones, and wide-set blue eyes are elegantly defined, making her sinfully sexy. But why is she here though? Why is she with my daughter? Don’t tell me she’s my daughter’s friend. Her best friend.

That would be the cruelest trick in the world.

Dad, meet my friend, Chloe, Ella had said.

Damn it!

"Chloe…" I mutter her name just to be sure I heard it right.

I extend my hand to her but she doesn’t take it immediately. When she finally does, I offer her a small smile that doesn’t reach my eyes and say pointedly, "Nice to finally meet you, Chloe."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Aaron," she finally responds.

There’s a swift change in her attitude. She seems too composed and confident, which doesn’t sit well with me. I liked it better when she was shaken by my appearance. Right now, it seems like she’s pretending not to remember me.

I’m usually the one who does that, not the other way around.

Her hands are still as soft as I remember, with short elegantly polished nails. As we shake hands, I run my thumb over her skin, waiting for a reaction, but I sense none.

I hate this twist of events. It would have been better not to see her again than to see her in this situation. Right now she is off-limits and should remain so. I need alcohol in my system, a reasonable amount of it.

"I’m going out. Don’t wait up." Before Ella can reply, I’m already out the door. I dial Damien’s number before the door has even closed behind me.

"I’m busy," he says flatly instead of greeting me. Under normal circumstances, I would end the call. I know what he’s up to and know better not to disturb him. But right now, the situation is not normal.

"It’s an emergency. Get your decrepit ass down here." He groans and hangs up.

Fifteen minutes later, I arrive at Demzil bar at the same time Damien does.

"What’s so damned important?" he asks, grouchy from having his evening interrupted.

I walk past him without a word and he follows behind. I walk up to the bartender and order my usual shot. I stare at it for several seconds before gulping it down.

"Send a bottle of your finest whisky over to me." With that, we stride off to our usual spot.

"I found her." Damien just looks at me, his confusion etched on his face. I sigh in exasperation. "The mystery girl, my one-night stand in New Jersey."

"That’s the damn emergency? You found your latest piece of ass?" Damien clenches his fists, and for a split second, it looks like he’s getting ready to punch me.

"She’s Ella’s best friend."

Damien opens his hands as his eyes go wide. He is at a complete loss for words. He grabs a glass from the tray in front of us and pours himself a drink.

"Let me get this straight, the mystery girl–"

"Chloe. Her name is Chloe."
