Page 12 of Twisted Attraction

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"Huh, I didn't see anything like that." She looks at me skeptically.

"Tyler is a good guy, I've never seen him act like he was into anyone before."

"What makes you think he’s into me?" I ask, genuinely wondering.

"Girl! Are you completely blind? Anyone could see the signs, even someone as oblivious about these things as you."

"We’ll see about that," I say as the car pulls up in front of a gorgeous old Brownstone.

"Huh, the lights are on. My dad must be back."

We step out of the car and into the house. I stop dead in my tracks, staring at the face of a man who is supposed to remain as a memory.

It can't be. But as he rises to his feet, everything crumbles around me.

I freeze.

It’s him. My mystery man. My one-night stand. The man who gave me so much pleasure. He locks eyes with me briefly then focuses his eyes on Ella as she approaches him.

What is he doing here?, no, that can't happen. Unless it’s already happened. It’s happening.

"Hi Dad, welcome back." Ella hugs him but he doesn't hug her back or smile at her. Instead, his eyes are trained on me. It’s as if I can’t breathe.

Damn it. Damn it.

Dad? Did I really hear Ella call him Dad?

There’s an alarm bell going off in my head. My heart goes wild, like it is about to malfunction and I'm going to drop dead. Right now, the thought of passing out sounds more appealing than facing my monsters.

He’s Ella's father. The man I slept with is the person she’s been struggling to connect with. I feel like a bucket of ice hasbeen emptied on me. God, please let this be a dream. Not Ella's father. How do I tell Ella?

"Dad, meet my friend, Chloe," Ella calls from beside him, urging me to come forward.

I don't move.

I can't move.

I've suddenly forgotten how to.

I gulp around the sudden tightness in my throat.

He steps toward me, or more like, he stalks, moving fluidly with predatory steps that nearly make me wheeze. Or maybe it’s the way he keeps staring into my eyes as if he’s ripping every single fiber of my heart out. I’m being burned alive by his piercing blue eyes. They’re crushing and melting me and I force myself to look away as he stops in front of me.

Ella grabs my hand smiling at him.

"Chloe, this is my father, Jeremy Aaron."

"Chloe," Jeremy mutters, but I hear him because he’s standing right in front of me, staring at me like he can see my soul.

His voice sends chills down my spine. Suddenly, I feel like I’m back to that night, shivering under his touch.



There is no way she is real.

None of this is real.

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