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“You gotta do better, man. If you’re going to kiss the woman, you park the car, and you kiss her like she’s the best gift in your life. You kiss her until she’s breathless and—”

Grace slaps him on the chest. “I think they get the memo, sweetheart.”

“Right.” He smiles sheepishly at her. “I got carried away for a second.”

“I know, I know,” she says lovingly. “That’s why you always park the car on the shoulder before you kiss me. Because you can’t do both.”

It’s love all around,I think, with happiness swelling in my chest. I turn to kiss Kaylee, too. Then, Lily and Madison, who squirms at first and later ends up laughing.

“Who’s hungry?” Ethan asks. “I’m making lunch.”

Everyone takes the chorus answer.

I find Kaylee outside three hours later when the sun has set.

Madison—tired from the full day, is fast asleep.

“Mrs. Frasier,” I say, wrapping my arms around her waist. I kiss her neck. “What are you doing outside at this time of the night?”

“Just thinking,” she says.


“When we first met. Or at least when I came here. Home. To you. I was scared and worried and frightened. I didn’t know who I was. I wasn’t sure who to trust. And then, I slowly began trusting you. Madison made it easy, too. Sometimes I was scared something would happen to me, but when I thought about you… it made me feel safe again.”

“I’m glad,” I say, rubbing her shoulders. “I’m happy, too, that somehow I was able to be there for you when you couldn’t tell anyone how you felt.”

She turns to me.

“You’re like the moon to me, Logan. A light that might be hidden for a while, but you’re certain that it’ll never go away. Thank you… thank you for always being by my side.”

I lean forward, pressing my lips softly against hers. I tell her everything—through the kiss, reminding her of the promise I made the day we married. I would never leave her alone, no matter the weather, no matter the storm, and we would go through all season together—Kaylee, Madison, and I.

And now, Lily.

“I love you,” she says softly. “I love you, Mr. Logan Fraiser.”

“And I love you more, Mrs. Kaylee Fraiser.”

The End
