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“Babe, you’ve got it bad for your man, even if you can’t remember. All I’m sayin’ is, give yourself a chance.”

I’m lost deep in thought. Wonder if I can risk my heart on a man I can’t remember learning to trust, no matter how much my body craves him? The fear is almost enough to make me run in the opposite direction. Almost. But then I think of Cam’s smile, the warmth in his eyes when he looks at me, the gentle way he holds me like I’m precious to him. Something about it does feel familiar, comforting in a way I can’t explain. Like coming home after a long journey.

I sigh. “You’re right. I owe it to myself to at least try. I just wish I could get past all this… fear.”

“Your memories will come back, sweetie. In the meantime, get to know him again. Talk to Cam, let him in. I promise the rest will follow.”

I smile sadly. “You make it sound so simple.”

“Loveissimple. It’s the mess surrounding it that complicates shit.” Sara’s voice is soft and reassuring. “Be patient with yourself. Cam loves you. If you let him, he’ll prove it.”

Her reassurances about Cam ease some of the anxiety knotting my stomach. “Thank you. I needed to hear that.”

“Go get your man, girl.”

I laugh, shaking my head and we say our goodbyes with my promise to call our parents shortly.

Sara’s right about one thing, though. The sooner I stop running from Cam, the sooner I can start finding my way back to him.


Chapter 4

Cam lowers me onto the bed, his body covering mine. I reach up to stroke his cheek. Cam and I tangled up in sheets, exploring each other’s bodies. A slow smile spreads across his face. His hips rocking against mine, and I suck in a sharp breath at the sensation. The tenderness in his touch, the reverence in his gaze as he looks at me, the joy and love overwhelming us both… Our kisses grow more urgent and heated as desire builds between us. His hands roam freely over my curves, stroking and caressing until I’m writhing beneath him. Cam growls low in his throat as I push the shirt off his shoulders. He captures my mouth in a searing kiss, all restraint and gentleness gone. His hands roam over my body, stripping away layers of clothing until there’s nothing left between us but heat and desire. The ache inside me grows unbearable, only finding relief when Cam finally pushes inside me in one smooth thrust. Pleasure builds with each stroke, shattering me from the inside out. “Please,” I moan, pulling him back to me. Our lovemaking is slow and deep. Through each caress, each kiss, I fall deeper under Cam’s spell.

I gasp, sitting up abruptly in bed, emotions swirling inside me.Oh My God! What was that? A dream? A fucking memory?

* * *

I jump in the shower and take advantage of Cam’s absence to go for a walk on the beach. I didn’t see him when I woke up. Maybe he’s trying to give me some space.

The sun warms my skin as I walk on the white sand, my bare feet leaving imprints with each step. My head pounds, thoughts swirling in a confusing vortex.

A voice interrupts my somber mood.

“You seem lost in thought.”

I glance over to find a middle-aged man leaning against a palm tree, watching me with curious eyes. Salt and pepper hair, glasses. Dr. Moore, from the boat!

“Just thinking,” I say with a shrug, brushing a stray curl behind my ear.

He studies me, brow furrowing. “Feeling better?”

I sigh, stopping to face him.

“I’m not sure, doc. You were there when I woke up on a boat with no idea how I got there.”

His gaze sharpens, moving over me in assessment.

“Traumatic amnesia is not uncommon after a concussion, dear.”

“So you’re saying I will get my memory back?” Hope flickers in my.

He nods reassuringly.

“There’s a good chance. Your memories are still there, just temporarily inaccessible.”

“How long do you think it’ll take?” I ask.
