Page 32 of Paying A Debt

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Chapter Ten


Looking down at a positive pregnancy test I couldn’t be happier. Christopher walks in the room and I smile from ear to ear.

“What is it?” he asks as he comes closer to me. I show him the test and his eyes widen he grabs my waist and pulls me into a kiss. I felt him smile as he kisses me again. He gets on his knees and kisses my stomach and my smile just gets bigger.

“This is great news. The family is getting bigger.”

“Yes and Nikki is going to be so happy about this.” Christopher laughs.

“That’s for sure.” It’s been two weeks since they burnt the drugs at the old dock things have been good and quiet. Spencer is working on fixing the club up. Sonny and Jesse are finally in a good place and it’s great to see. Now we just have to wait for Kate to break up with that piece of shit boyfriend and be with the man she’s supposed to be with. The guys found out Ray is the one who’s been helping me and that he’s a cop. Toby lost his shit when he found out it was very intense. Christopher grabs my hand and we walk down to the living room where the family were. When we walk in he couldn’t contain his excitement.

“We are having a baby.” He yells and everyone cheered Nikki ran over to us and hugged us tightly.

“Finally.” She says with excitement we all laugh. We all got hugs and congratulations. I took my phone out and send Kate a message.

Nicole- Can we meet?

Kate- Yeah, I need to get away from him for awhile.

Nicole- Meet me at the park.

Kate- Okay see you soon.

“Was that Kate?” Chrisopher asks.

“Yeah I want to tell her the good news. I will see you later.” Christopher kisses me softly. I walk to the park when I see Kate she looks so drained.

“Why are you still with him?” I ask irritatedly.

“I honestly don’t know at this rate I will be leaving him if he doesn’t stop his shit.”

“I got some good news.”

“Finally I can use some.”

“I’m pregnant.” Kate jumps up with excitement.

“Oh my God that’s fucking amazing. I’m so happy for you.” Kate hugs me and I hug her back.

“This could be you, you know with Daniel.” I tell her with a smile.

“I don’t know if that’s something he would want Nicole.” She puts her head down and I lift up her chin with my finger.

“Daniel’s been in love with you for years Kate if you want him as much as I know you do it’s time to fight for him.” I look into her eyes and I finally see hope in her eyes. All she needs is a little push to get her right where she needs to be.

“Why don’t you come home with me?” She stays quiet for a little bit then nods her head. That’s my girl. We walk home I open the door when Daniel was about to leave his eyes widen when he sees Kate.

“Are you leaving?” I ask. Daniel looks at me then at Kate.

“No, just thought I heard something I guess I was right.” We walk inside and Daniel follows us into the living room. He sits next to Kate and she looks relaxed. Her phone rings and she turns it off and I smile. Christopher came home sat next to me as we put on a movie. He looks at me and smiles at me.

“How did you get her here?”

“It wasn’t hard at all, she’s starting to think clearly just got to give it a little time.”

“Good work.” We relaxe on the couch as we watch The Rundown. This feels good the four of us here in the house together hopefully soon this can be permanent. They are the only ones left to complete the family. I think Nikki could help with this, first thing is Kate dumping that bastard then Nikki and I can play matchmaking together. This family will be whole if it’s the last thing I do.
