Page 27 of Crave

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His hand slides down my arm until it’s on my throat. His fingers grip firmly as he growls into my ear, “Come for me. Squeeze that tight little cunt around this thick cock so fucking hard that you force me to come inside you. Show me how much you want me to own this perfect cunt of yours.” His fingers tighten around my throat as he drives into me without abandon. There is no controlling the cries of pleasure spewing from me. I should hate this and be screaming for help. But the only screams from my mouth are from me coming around his cock, just as he commanded.

twenty two


Screams billow from her lungs as I thrust my cock ferociously into her perfect, tight, wet cunt, demanding that she come for me.

She squeezes around me so tight that I hiss against the back of her neck as I drive into her. Her whole body trembles against me as the vice grip of her cunt quivers around my cock.

“Fuck,” I roar while painfully thrusting into her one final time. My cock spasms inside her, coating her with my cum.

I want to keep my cock buried inside of her for the rest of the day…

“You’re fucking mine,mi reina,” I whisper against her ear as I slowly pull my cock from the warmth of her cunt. The head slides from her, and my cum trickles down her thighs. Reaching my hand between her thighs, I slide through the cum and collect it in my palm as I drag it back up to her cunt. She whimpers when I slide my hand against her entrance to collect the bit of cum slowly seeping from her.

“Open your mouth and stick out your fucking tongue,” I command while squeezing her throat. Delight flickers through me when she doesn’t hesitate to do as she was told. My cum coated palm repeatedly drags over her tongue until she begins to willfully lick it clean. “That’s it. Lap up every fucking drop. Don’t stop until you have it all. I want you tasting me as you feel my cum dripping down your thighs, while that painful ache from your cunt reminds you that you’re mine.”

All fucking mine.

Pleased at the cleanliness of my hand, I delicately press her tongue back into her mouth and kneel behind her. The perfect round ass before my face is riddled red with my handprints. I place soft kisses over the tender flesh as I help her back into her skirt. Zipping her skirt as I stand, I press against her back and breathe in the aroma of our mixed scents.

“Keep the tie,” I smirk at the thought of using the blindfold to bind her wrists. “I’ll be seeing you soon,mi reina.”

Stepping away from her, I quickly make my way to the stairwell before she has a chance to pull off the blindfold and see my face.

Making my way to my office, I don’t know how I’m going to get shit done with her lingering scent of lilacs all over my clothes. I glance at my watch and I realize just how long we were in the garage.

Reaching my office, Ryder is lingering outside the door. I’ll give him credit, for a guy generally dressed in denim and leather with greasy hair hanging around his face, he cleans up well enough to not totally stand out in this office.

With the exception of that fucking man bun.

I am about to shake his hand and rag on the blond bun atop his head when something clearly catches his attention behind me. His blue eyes are fixated on whoever he’s staring at as his tongue licks hungrily over his lips.

Turning to find he is staring at my queen, anger fills me. In an angry tone meant for Ryder, I spew my words at Alexys before I truly take in her appearance, “Where the hell have you been?” She is only a tad disheveled, as she managed to straighten up well in the elevator, with the exception of a little blood trickling down her face.

“Darling,” Ryder’s voice oozes with charm as he brushes past me. “Are you okay?”

Taking the folder and tie from her hands, he drops them on her desk before lightly swiping his finger against the blood on her cheek. I swallow down my rage, hating that he is placing his fucking hands on her, as he shows her the blood from her face.

“Oh, I….uh,” she stammers trying to come up with a lie and shows her palms. “I tripped in the garage. Didn’t even realize I cut my face.”

Ryder presses his finger back against the scratch on her cheek, and I growl, “Don’t fucking touch her.”

I don’t even realize what I did until the two of them dart their attention to me. Their eyes both fixed on me, I pull a tissue from her desk and place it into her hand as I address Ryder, “The last thing Alejandro and I need is her suing us for your sexual harassment. Head into my office, I’ll be there in a minute.”

“Take the rest of the day,” I turn my attention back to Alexys as Ryder leaves us. “Use one of the company cars and have them take you home.”

“Thank you, Mr. Ramirez,” her tone is so genuinely grateful for my offer. Holding the tissue to her face, she lifts the folder from her desk, and I watch as my tie slides from it. Lifting the tie from her desk, I slide it through my fingers while looking at the scrape on her cheekbone as she stares at me.

“Lex…. Next time your boyfriend swings by to visit during your lunch break,” I lay the neatly folded tie on the desk, “Maybe tell him to be a little more gentle.”

Her mouth gapes, and I barely manage to contain the huge smile that spreads across my face until I turn from her.

twenty three


Mr. Ramirez smugly walks into his office, and I stare at the perfectly folded tie lying before me.
