Page 4 of Hitting the Boss

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I smiled as I read it. A rush of lust burst through my body.


Bad girls get punished.

No reply. I slipped my phone into my pocket as the doors opened. I walked toward my dad's office. The door opened and he walked out. The “great man in charge” around here. He was tall and lean, with gray hair and thin, wiry glasses on the tip of his nose.

“Caleb! You still haven't cut your hair,” he said with a disapproving tone

“My hair does not affect my performance,” I deadpanned as I rolled my eyes.

“Come along,” he said as we walked back to the elevator. An assistant trailed behind us. “Did you find a place?”

“Yeah,” I said.

“Good. Good. Are you ready for this?” Dad asked.

“Of course. This is what I was made for.”

As we walked to the podium, there was a swell of whispers. I passed two women that were loitering around the front of the room. Another person slid behind the other. I couldn't see her name badge. “She’s late,” she mumbled under her breath.

“Well, tell her to bring coffee on her way, I guess,” Jessica hissed. Jessica was one of the people on the board. I knew she’d been eyeing a position in the company for years. She rolled her eyes and went to sit in the front row. A few of the women looked like they were preening as they pulled down their blouses. Another woman in the third row had a compact out, touching up her red lipstick. Many were whispering to themselves. I sighed and pulled my phone out. There was a new message from Jordan.


That's a big statement for someone I just met.

I smirked.


I move fast when it's something I want.




I’m texting you. You’re the one that I want. Why are you running late?


All my underwear is in the dryer.

As I imagined her texting me without panties on, I could feel my face flush with heat. I shifted my weight, trying to find a more comfortable position and ignore lustful thoughts about Jordan. I was about to greet the company and I couldn’t do that with a hard-on. That’d prove to them I hadn’t changed. A smirk played on my lips as I shook my head. I needed to focus, so I closed my eyes and concentrated on clearing my mind. This was an important day for me. My dad was still talking to a few of the board members off to the side.


Don't wear any. I want to imagine you at work not wearing any.

Three dots. They disappeared. I smirked as I looked up as Dad walked to the podium. All the others started to scramble off to the areas they were supposed to be. He started his speech about generations and passing the mantle. I forced myself not to roll my eyes.

I glanced down once more.


I want to see you after work.
