Page 5 of Hitting the Boss

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I slid the phone into my pocket. I walked to the podium when it was my turn. I flashed them a practiced smile and started my speech about taking our company to new levels of success. Thecrowd ate it up. I didn't feel that confidence but I had to make this work. I knew the words they wanted me to say. Here I am saying those words. Maybe my heart wasn’t into this after all.

I walked back to my office. I remembered the layout of the building enough that I asked for one of the smaller offices in the back. When I was younger, people used to joke that it was the dark alley. I wanted to avoid most people and just concentrate on what I needed to do while I adjusted to my new role. Eventually, they would require me to move to the bigger offices with more assistants and a bigger workload. Right now, I just wanted to be by myself. It was better for me. Plus, I could work on my side projects without anyone watching.

On my desk was a cup of coffee with a post-it on the top. I picked it up.

Welcome to the company, Caleb. I am sure you will do amazing just like everyone else in your family.

At the bottom, there was a swirly swoop of a cursive letter but I couldn't tell what it said. I smiled. This note wasn't dripping in lust like some of the whispers I had heard in the auditorium. It sounded honest and genuine. I stuck it in the bottom of one of the desk drawers. The rumors of me being a worldwide playboy continued to plague me even though they were wrong.

I pulled out my phone. There was a smiling picture of Jordan in my messages. She was holding an iced coffee.


got to work. Missed some shit. Don't care. All the bitches are getting ready to sharpen their fangs.

I laughed as my fingers gripped the edges of my phone. Jordan was a bright light in my day. She could see through the office work drama I had always hated. I needed to see her again.


Did you wear underwear?


Lmao! Not telling you.


Can I see you today?


The only plans I had were pajamas and relaxing. They are running me ragged with the


I can bring food and you can be in your PJs. I still get to see you.


You're going to allow me to wear pajamas?

I smirked as I glanced at the mountains of paperwork in front of me. I needed to stop fooling around, but the idea of seeing Jordan again lit my heart on fire. Pajamas or not, Jordan would look amazing in anything she wore.




Fine. Here's my address. Don't be a creep and kill me.

Slapping my phone on the desk, I returned to work. Being able to see Jordan again after this long day was going to be great. Unlike anyone in this office, she wanted me forme, not my money.

Chapter 3


“He is super hot,” a woman from the third floor whispered to her co-worker in the hallway.
