Page 40 of Hitting the Boss

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“Hello, Jordan,” he said. He swished a glass of brown liquid in my direction as I smoothed down my dress while Cal climbed into the car.

“Evenin’, Mr. Reed,” I said.

“Fuck, girl, call me Brian. We’re going to be talking a lot after this,” he said. “Thank god. We needed to do this sooner. I’m sick of doing everything.” The limo moved and my body jolted slightly. Cal’s hand shot out as his palm rested on my stomach. Butterflies twirled in my stomach as I could feel my body respond to his touch. Was I starting to be in a perpetual flushevery time I was around him? His thumb traced a small circle near my waistline before he removed his hand.

Cal glared at Brian. “She’s not a girl. Give her some respect. And you don’t do everything. We’ve hired people temporarily.”

“Sorry. Jordan.”

I turned toward Cal. I leaned in closer to him. “Thanks for that,” I whispered.

He turned toward me. “Not a problem. You deserve respect.”

As I turned back, I smiled. “I am really excited to try this restaurant. There are things I have heard about it. I never could afford to go on my own. Plus, there is the long wait to get a table. I hope it’s as amazing as they say,” I babbled. “Tell me about yourself, Brian.”

“Unlike this lunk, I didn’t come from money. From a smaller city than this. Not a small town but not a city, ya know, that sort of place? Went to school, found out computers and coding made more sense than humans. Met this idiot. We collabed on the app. We’re going to expand this year, which is why you and I are going to become best friends. You’ll be his rock, I guess.”

My belly did a flip being called Cal’s rock. I knew he meant this speech in a way that an assistant would help any boss, but my mind was playing dirty. The hopes I had a week ago. That he could be the one. Deep down, I wished I could be more than just the assistant. My heart grew heavy once again as I let my mind wander to where we could have been if things weren’t so messy. I sighed. “No problem at all. I will do my best. You guys won’t be disappointed.”

Brian laughed as he threw back the rest of his drink. “It was pretty smart of our boy, getting someone to do two jobs at once. We’ve been making do with the bare minimum or hiring temporary contractors”

I leaned forward. “Are you saying he is playing me by overworking me? Cause he’s not. I was already doing twoassistant jobs for the lower salary. I can do this. And I can do this with discretion. I’m not the fanciest person out there. But I am good at my job. I’m assuming that is why he chose me,” I said. “I’ve already looked at all the information he provided me yesterday. I don’t understand how you’ve managed to do this. It’s a mess. You needed to hire someone permanently years ago.”

Brian chuckled. “Yeah.” He pulled out his phone and scrolled.

Cal wrapped his arm around my shoulder and tugged me closer to him. My heart raced in my chest. There was a time when I craved these touches. I still did. His head tilted toward my ear. Quietly, he whispered, “Did you wear panties today?”

Flustered, I gasped, and I turned toward him. I didn’t want Brian to hear that. I didn’t want anyone to question that he’d been between my legs before. “You really need to forget that!” I tried to keep my voice down. It was taking all my strength not to scream at him. He knew how to hit every hot trigger on me—physically and emotionally. “You ought to get your mind out of the gutter!”

He chuckled again. “I don’t want to get it out of the gutter with you. I want to be in the gutter with you.”

I laughed. “Now you are making me sound like some sort of guttersnipe!”

Cal made a face. “I don’t think that’s the right word.”

I groaned. My head turned away from him. As I crossed my arms, I let out an exasperated huff. I resigned myself to sitting in silence for the remainder of the trip. His warm breath spread across the sensitive skin on my neck. I was too close to this damn man. Every moment close to him, I was in danger.My heart and my body.

“I was thinking of you being my little whore. How many times have you thought about my cock since that day? I know Ihaven’t forgotten and I can tell I still affect you. I bet you are wet right now.”

My eyes widened. I bit my bottom lip. Fuck. He was right. My panties were soaking wet right now. It was constant since I was spending more time with him now. I wish we could go back to the past when he was the weird rich kid instead of the CEO’s son and my boss.

Chapter 23


The two men joked throughout dinner. I could tell they were best friends, and I hadn’t seen Cal as comfortable as he was with Brian. Brian gratuitously flirted with the server when she would come to the table. He even excused himself as he walked to the bar on the far side of the restaurant. It was obvious he was flirting with another patron at the bar.

“He’s incorrigible,” Cal murmured in my ear as I tracked him with my eyes. His hand landed on my thigh. His fingers trailed the edge of my hem. “Maybe I should have warned you about him.”

“About what?”

“I feel bad that he hit on you yesterday,” he said.

“Ah, cause you're too busy making your mark on me.”

Cal smiled as his forehead touched mine. His fingers grazed my inner thighs. One of his fingers trailed around the edge of the garter strap. Maybe wearing it was a bad idea but I wanted to feel good. This was probably my only chance to be at a fancy place like this in expensive clothes. My heart started racing as mybreathing picked up. “You wound me, Jordan. I think you made a mark on me since you bruised my sternum with that poi.”

I laughed nervously. “You had a bruise?” I whispered.
