Page 45 of Hitting the Boss

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Kate stepped in front of me, causing me to splash coffee all over the front of my shirt. I tried to suppress my frustration with the situation. Glee crossed her face as her eyes flickered down my shirt. “I need to talk to you,” she said.

“I don’t work for you anymore,” I said flatly.

Kate’s eyes narrowed. “You really should give me some respect.”

I sighed as I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. I had “respected” her for years when she never gave me the same. “Is there something you need from Caleb? From my understanding, your position and mynew position rarely cross for now. Unless his father has an issue that needs to be brought up to him.” I wasn’t actually sure of that. It was my hope though. I wanted to be away from her with every fiber of my being. The closer Cal got to taking the CEO position, I would have to interact with them more. Right now they were giving him training wheels and waiting for him to screw up.

A fake smile crept up her face. “Well, I just wanted to make sure you areadjustingwell in your new position. I was worried it would be toohardfor you.”

I copied her fake smile. “I’m adjusting just fine.”

“Would you like to have lunch with Jessica and me?”

I blinked as I suppressed the urge to laugh in her face. How did I manage this for so many months? “Why would you two have lunch with me?”

“We were just thinking that it would be good to have some . . . camaraderie.”

My brows furrowed. “You’ve never felt this way before.”

“Maybe I reconsidered? Jessica has been guiding me in the best ways to be an effective leader in the office. She’s taken me under her wing. You know, training the future CEO of this company.”

I pursed my lips. Deep down, I really wanted to refuse her. I should. But there was the niggling feeling that maybe I should play nice. This could be good for Caleb and the company. Whatever animosity they had for . . . everyone, maybe I could smooth everything over. I bit my bottom lip as I sighed.

“Sure, Kate. When and where?”

“Well, this weekend Jessica and myself were going to the Mimosas at the Bar event. Ya know, yoga in the bar and mimosas afterwards? We go every weekend since she came for a visit. If you want to meet us for the mimosas part, that would be great. It would be even better if you came to yoga. You know what they say about taking care of your body.”

I closed my eyes for a second.Don’t lose it, Jordan. I opened them and planted a smile on my face. “Of course, that’s so accurate. It’s not the normal exercise I use, but I’m sure yoga would be great cross-training.”

Kate’s eyes narrowed slightly. Another tight, fake smile crossed her face as she tilted her head slightly. “Of course. Cross-training is very important. You have my number. Feel free to message me if you are confused about where or when the event is. It was nice talking to you again,” she said. Kate turned and walked to the elevator. My posture immediately drooped. I was too kind to even accept. I walked back toward Cal’s office. He was standing in the doorway, watching me as I sat at the desk.

“You’re staring,” I said.

“Your shirt is wet.”

I sighed as I pointed to the coffee-covered cups. Both of them were half empty now. “I had an accident, obviously. Not sure if that amount of coffee is worth it.”

“You were later than normal,” he said as he crossed his arms.

I sucked in a breath. “Am I in trouble?” I snapped. The words fell out of my mouth before I realized what I had said. I was taking my frustration with Kate out on him. My eyes widened as my lips parted. I lifted my head up. Cal was smirking.

“Come into my office,” he said.

“Cal,” I whined.

He crooked his fingers in a come hither motion. My body moved even though my brain protested and I followed him inside. As I stood in the middle of his office, he locked his door and pulled down the shades. He walked around me like a predator and I was his prey. I pressed my legs together as I tried to tamp down my burgeoning arousal.

I was so fucked when it came to this man.

Chapter 28


“You’ve been ignoring my texts since you left on Saturday,” I said. My hand caressed the back of her shoulder as I leaned in close to her ear. Jordan’s breath picked up. Goosebumps raised on her arms. I licked the edge of her ear. She gasped. I stepped back and walked around her again.

Jordan’s face and chest grew red. The coffee stain on her shirt revealed how her nipples were hardening. Jordan worried her bottom lip. “I told you that it was only for one night,” she said.

I groaned. “Why can’t you give me a chance?”
