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The guy shrugged. "I'm here all day."

"I'll pay now and we will be here at two sharp, does that work?" Miles asked, hashing out the details with the artist.

When he turned back to us, Miles was grinning wildly.

"I was just thinking we needed a new painting for over our fireplace. We'll have to make a gallery wall for it as we add more to our family.

Cole laughed softly. "I was just telling Summer I was ready for more. Imagine her, belly rounded with our baby, glowing more than she is now."

"She'll be even more gorgeous," Miles agreed. "Just keep Bash out of the baby aisles. He'll buy the whole store."

How could I resist when these two were already imagining the details?

"Maybe we can start trying soon, my next heat hits in..." I trailed off and calculated, giving them my best guess. "My birth control will wear off about two weeks before."

They both gaped at me, eyes darkening with hunger, but I just grinned at them and moved on to Claire's booth.

"There she is, looking radiant!" Claire yelled out. "Come give me some love!"

She crushed me in a hug after hurrying around the booth. "Happy looks good on you."

"I could say the same for you." She looked over at her pack and nodded.

"It's the best." She glanced around and frowned. "Where's my nephew? I made him something special."

"We'll swing by after we get our painting at two," I promised. "He'll be ready for a surprise by then."

"Perfect," she grinned. I wouldn't put it past her to give him a whole box of treats with how well she spoiled him. How could I really complain when this whole town showered my sweet boy in love? He deserved every second of it.

We spent the next few hours in the summer sun, soaking in the sights and smells of the festival. After we got our painting and stopped by for treats, the sun was finally dipping behind the horizon.

"One more stop before he is too sleepy," Miller said, his arm circling my shoulder as he led us to the mayor's podium. They had an array of paper lanterns ready, all in different colors and sizes. There was also a booth nearby selling fancy ones.

"Be right back," Bash sang out, rushing away.

"I better go handle that," Dean said, sighing dramatically, but the smile never left his face.

"Oh my god," Cole snorted a few minutes later. Bash was walking back with a dump truck lantern and a sun one, handing them to me and Theo while Dean distributed the rest.

"I couldn't resist, they were perfect," he said excitedly, taking a colorful stained glass version for himself.

The mayor stepped up, giving the crowd a wave as they settled down.

"I'm happy to have you all here for yet another amazing festival. This one will always be special to me, all because of this." She swept her hand out at the lanterns. "Generally these are meant for the new year, a way to let go of the past. But couldn't we all use this halfway through the year? I think it's a way to send a message, whatever that may be. Say hello to someone you love and miss, celebrate a win, or let go of your grievances. You can say them out loud or think them before sending it off. This is all about happiness, community, and renewal."

She grabbed a lantern and closed her eyes, making a show of setting her wish before her assistant lit the lantern. We watched as she lifted it to the sky, the glowing lantern sailing into the clearing.

The crowd was loud again within seconds and I crouched down to Theo.

"What are you wishing for, little man?"

He thought it over, face scrunching adorably.

"For a slumber party with all my dads and you!" He closed his eyes and thought it over before nodding once. "I'm ready."

"And you, Summer?" Miller asked.

As I stared at my pack and my son, I couldn't help but feel like mine had already come true. I'd found my way back to Cole, gave Theo the life he deserved, and found a pack that meant the world to me. I had everything I could possibly want.
