Page 34 of The Hero Next Door

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Well, how convenient is that? Pick you up at 7.

Sounds good!

Sage fell back onto her bed with a squeal. Holy crap, she was going on a date with the most handsome, stimulating guy she’d ever been in the same room with!

She needed to wax. No, that was too much. It would be nice if she could get her hair done…

Plans raced through her mind, one right after another. Then she had a disheartening though. Since they’d made plans for tomorrow, that meant she probably wouldn’t see him tonight.

Damn. She’d gotten used to Brian slipping into the apartment to check on her after work every day.

They would make up for it tomorrow.

Adam grinned when she told him about the date and he nodded his head, looking a little too self-satisfied. “Don’t go getting a big head over this, young man.”

Adam giggled and dodged her hair ruffle. “I won’t.”

“Do you have any homework this weekend? You’d better get it done before you head to Max’s house tomorrow.”

Sage tried to keep herself busy that night and the next day, but it was hard. She’d been on many dates in her life, and she hadn’t been a hermit after Tim had left them, but that had been in Wyoming. She hadn’t had any dates out here, though there had been opportunities. Any time she thought about going on a date, though, the memory of Brian’s kiss would pop up, and she knew it wouldn’t be fair to the other guy.

Now she was going on a date with him, and her libido was already jumping to the night ahead. Maybe that was presumptuous of her. No, she didn’t think so. That last kiss had been something, and if Adam hadn’t interrupted them…

She was going into the night with an open mind and an open heart.

Sage took Adam to meet his friend just after noon. It was the first time she’d driven since the accident, and she maneuvered her 4Runner carefully through traffic. The boys were going to some seminar at the Center of Science and Industry. Max was in accelerated classes like Adam was, and they’d apparently found common ground.

“Do you have your money?”

“Yes, Mom. You already asked me that.”

“I know, but I don’t want you to be a burden. Pay for your own ticket and lunch, okay?”

“I will.”

She pulled up in front of the center. Max and his mom Lucy were there, waving. Sage had met Lucy at a school function and the boys seemed to enjoy each other, so she was comfortable letting Adam stay with them.

“I love you, buddy,” she said, pulling him in for a quick hug.

“Love you too, Mom. Have fun tonight,” he said, grinning. “Better stop and get new condoms at the store.”

“Adam Blake Harrison!”

Sage’s face burned, but her son had already slammed the door and was running up the steps to his friend. Sage took a breath as she pulled out of the parking lot, muttering. Someday, that kid was going to kill her.

On her way home, she stopped at a place Jane had recommended for a haircut. When she walked out of the shop, she felt lighter. The woman had cut five inches off her length, but it had needed done. Sage couldn’t even remember the last time she’d had a decent cut. It was still long in the back, but layers had been cut in, some short enough to swing around her cheeks. It was a big change for her, but she loved the lightness.

Her tune could change next time she went to work and had to scrape it into a bun…

As Sage pulled into the apartment complex, she glanced down the line for Brian’s truck, but it wasn’t in the spot he normally used.

The past day and a half had dragged, but the last hour before her date flew. It seemed like she didn’t have enough time to do anything, although all she really had to do was change her clothes and put some makeup on. She had no idea where Brian was taking her, and it was kind of blustery outside, so she settled on a nice blue and black blouse and a pair of black jeans. She could wear her leather coat and little black boots that matched.

Putting makeup on really tested her bad arm, but she forced herself to take her time. The physical therapist had told her to use it as much as possible for fine detail work, and it was getting easier. She just had to move slowly and deliberately. Lifting her arms, she measured. Yup, she could hug him now.

Sage liked the way the hairstylist had blown out her hair, so she left it as it was. She ended up having to redo her left eye makeup because her arm was quivering, but it was okay. Then she sat on her couch, her anxiety building. She flipped through an e-book, but she couldn’t concentrate on the story.

Normally, she was laid back and dead calm. There was something about Brian, though, that intrigued her and taunted her. After everything he’d done for her over the past couple of weeks, she was kind of amazed that he was still interested enough to ask for a date.
