Page 47 of The Hero Next Door

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“We already did that, Mr. Parks, weeks ago. Why would we do it again?”

Parks stammered on the other end of the line. “We generally invite both parties, separately. I’m sorry, Ms. Harrison. There was nothing in the file to indicate that the situation was this delicate.”

Sage huffed out a breath. “Because I never expected you to try to contact the man. Adam hasn’t seen him for years, and now, suddenly, we’re being approached.”

“Ms. Harrison, on behalf of the school, I offer my profound apologies. I sincerely hope that this doesn’t alter your plans with Adam’s schooling.”

Yeah, they didn’t want their little prodigy slipping away.

“I don’t know, Mr. Parks. I suggest you cancel that meeting and inform Mr. Roe that he is not permitted on the grounds of the school or to contact my son.”

“Yes, ma’am. I will do that directly.”

Sage hung up. Then she felt bad that she hadn’t told the man goodbye. That was rude. She was so pissed, though.

Once again, Tim was trying to ruin Adam’s future. She wasn’t sure why he’d come all the way up here to do it, but as soon as she saw him, she was going to demand answers.

* * *

Brian could tellsomething had happened as soon as he walked in the door. Sage was sitting on the couch, staring into a cup of tea. She looked up and smiled as Adam came in and rose to meet them.

“Hey, buddy. Did you get your project turned in?”

“Yup,” Adam said, grinning at her. “And he was impressed. I got an A, of course.”

She laughed at the confidence and circled the couch to draw him into a hug. “Of course you did. Why don’t you head outside with Diamond? She’s been waiting for you to go play.”

Dropping his backpack on the floor, Adam took off through the back French doors with the happy dog.

“What’s wrong?” Brian reached out to stroke her hair behind her ear.

Sage sighed and sagged into him. Brian wrapped his arms around her, loving the feel of her against his body. He kept waiting for the sensation to abate, but it hadn’t yet. Every time he saw her, he wanted her more, and he treasured the times like these when she let her guard down and needed his support.

She explained about the meeting notification and related the conversation. Brian guided them to the couch, and they sank down, but he still held her. She seemed to need it.

“I’m amazed you didn’t lay into him more. I admire your restraint.”

Sage snorted, shaking her head. “I’m still pissed. They never should have called him. He has no paternal rights, so it should have stopped there.”

“I agree. Hopefully they get him on the line and explain the situation to him.”

“It may piss him off,” she murmured, resting her head on his chest. “It may provoke him to come after us.”

“Then we’ll be waiting,” he promised her. “Adam is covered. If he’s not in school, you or I are with him. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, so he’ll be with us at least until next week. When does he start his college classes?”

“After Christmas break. He’s going to start with two classes and gradually transfer over to full-time. If he can hack it.”

Brian peered down at her face. “Do you think he won’t? That kid’s going to kick ass.”

“Yeah, I know,” she sighed. “I also know he’s going to have to deal with a lot of hazing, probably. At the very least, teasing from the older kids.”

“Well,” Brian shrugged lightly, “if he does, he’ll deal with it.”

“His anxiety has gone down a lot, recently,” she whispered, running her fingers over his chest, “and I don’t want this to affect it.”

“Well, I think you know that he does better when he has all the information. You should talk to him at dinner about it.”

Sage sighed. “Yes, I will. How was your day?” She lifted her head, grinning at him. “Did Bear talk to you today?”
