Page 54 of The Hero Next Door

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Sage burst into tears, shocking them both. Chuckling, Brian pulled her tight against him, his arms strong around her shoulders. “Oh, babe, I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

“I’m sorry,” she said, reaching for a tissue from the box beside the bed to blow her nose. “I’ve been dreading you leaving. You’ve ruined me for other men, Brian,” she laughed, forcing the tears away.

“Well, how about I don’t ever leave, then? When all this calms down, let’s talk about getting married. I’d love to find a house and really settle down. Maybe give Adam a brother or sister…”

Her eyes welled again, and she nodded, too choked up to speak.

“Breathe, Sage.”

She took a breath, then another, and leaned in to kiss him. “I love you, Brian.”

“I love you, too, Sage. More than I ever thought possible. Now,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows at her. “Let’s consummate this pact,” he said, swinging her down onto the mattress. Sage giggled and wrapped her arms around his huge shoulders.

* * *

They bundledup and went hiking the next day at Indian Run Falls in Dublin. Diamond jumped into his truck like she’d been doing it all her life, making Adam giggle as she batted him in the face with her tail.

Sage looked sensational today, in jeans, a warm looking cream-colored sweater and serious looking hiking boots. There was also a knit headband around her head to keep her ears warm.

Her gaze followed him, and it was almost like she was waiting for him to backtrack what he’d said last night, but there was no way he was going to. He was in love with Sage, and he was going to convince her that he was going to stay.

Brian was surprised at how many people were in the park, but it didn’t stop them. He very carefully watched where he placed his feet, doing his damnedest not to screw up. At one point, in an especially rocky section, Sage stepped close and pulled his hand up on her shoulder, to help brace him. Brian appreciated that, and he accepted her help, then they kept going.

Adam talked almost non-stop, to the point that he made them laugh. “I think he could talk the hide off a cow,” Brian laughed.

Sage just shook her head. She was used to the constant flow of chatter.

They were hiking back to the truck when Sage’s cell phone rang. She shared a look with Brian. “It’s Lane,” she said, answering the line.

Once she confirmed who she was, Sage went silent, with only the occasional ‘okay’. Adam had gone silent, and he watched his mother carefully. When she hung up, she held an arm out to pull him close.

“Tim has been arrested,” she said. “Florida wants him, so he’s in jail until they come get him. Ohio State has been notified and they are talking to legal counsel.”

“But he’s not going to bother us anymore?” Adam asked, voice smaller than it had been all day.

“That is correct,” she confirmed. “He is in jail waiting for Florida to come get him.”

Adam nodded and leaned his head against her. “Good. Maybe they’ll be able to help him.”

“Maybe, buddy. Let’s hope so.”

Adam was quiet as they loaded into the truck, then he seemed to change. The motormouth came back, and he started giggling more. Though he didn’t say it out right, Brian could tell that Adam was relieved not to have to worry about his father anymore. And Sage fed on Adam’s improved mood.

They cruised by the apartment to drop Diamond off at home, then they went to see Gary. Candice was at her husband’s side, of course, crocheting something with dark blue yarn.

Brian liked the couple as soon as he met them, and he understood why Sage and Adam enjoyed their company. They were easy to be around, even in the hospital setting. Gary had been a Marine many years ago, so they had common ground.

Adam leaned into Candice’s arms. “Is this the one you told me about,” Candice murmured, nodding at Brian.

Adam grinned. “Yes. He’s going to marry my mom.”

“Adam,” Sage snapped. “That’s not polite.”

“But it’s true,” he said, and he reached out to bump Brian’s fist.


Brian grinned as he pulled up his texts, scrolling through till he found Duncan Wilde.
