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“You sound a little down. Is everything okay?” Rory asked. Sofie adored both of her friends, but she was closer to Rory, and her roommate could always tell when Sofie was preoccupied.

Sofie ran her fingers through her hair as she thought about mentioning that she was sleeping with her boss. “Um, can I tell you both something? But it’s a big secret, so you have to swear not to tell anyone—especially Charlie.”

“Oh gosh, you don’t have to worry about either of us telling Charlie, right, Ash?” Rory reassured her roommate.

Ash said, “Girl, we stopped talking to Charlie as soon as you both broke up. You can trust us, but only if you want to share. Babe, can you hand me a big plate for the steaks?”

Rory passed a ceramic platter to her girlfriend while patting Sofie on the shoulder. “What’s going on? Are you secretly seeing someone that we aren’t aware of?” While Rory’s tone was playful, Sofie couldn’t help but think to herself,Seeing someone? Well, not exactly. I don’t know what I would call it!

Taking a deep breath, Sofie confessed, “No, I’m not really ‘seeing’ anyone but, um, I’ve been spending a lot of time at the office and, well, my boss and I have gotten close and…,” As Sofie trailed off, Ash interrupted, “Oh my god,no way!You’re sleeping with your boss, aren’t you?!”

Rory teasingly swatted Ash, giving her a stern look. “Let her finish!” Turning to Sofie, Rory asked, “Is that true? Are you hooking up with your boss?”

Sighing, Sofie replied, “Well,yes, I am, but this isdifferent. It’s not just sex; there’s more to it. It’s hard to explain, but I’m drawn to the power that Ms. Galena has over me, and that’s what’s so arousing.” She looked around the kitchen, shrugging while trying to find her words. “The sex is kinky, as though Ms. Galena is my Domme and I’m her submissive. I’m turned on because I can serve her and receive praise. I’ve never felt anything like this, it’s confusing me.”

“TheGabriella Galena! Oh my god!”

“Let me ask you this,” Rory pulled up a chair, sitting closer to Sofie. “Do youlikeit? Are you having fun?”

Sofie began to grin as she thought about the last time she and Gabriella were together, her body tingling with passionate memories. “Ido. It’s so hot! I think part of the appeal is that I’m discovering what turns me on, and Ienjoyserving her sexually and in the office. It resonates with me in a way I can’t explain.” Glancing at Rory and Ash, Sofie added, “And I also like that we’re sneaky; it’s so wrong, but it feels so right. Does that make sense?”

Ash chuckled wryly. “I feel like I used the exact same expression on my Catholic mother when I first came out. No, I’m kidding. Seriously though, I fully support office hookups. But so that we’re on the same page. Do you feel it’s consensual? Like, your boss isn’t taking advantage of you or anything?”

“Oh no, no, it’s not like that at all.” Sofie shook her head vehemently. “I’m absolutely into her. And it’s not like I’m just at the office for sex, either. Gabriella has increased my responsibilities to where I’m taking on bigger projects. I’m learning a lot at Deluxe Redux Magazine. But I think I’m just torn.”

The couple exchanged glances, with Rory asking, “Can I give you some feedback? I feel two major issues are going on here.”

Sofie nodded. She desperately wanted advice from an outside party, and Rory was the perfect person to provide insight. “Yes, please. I’m confused by all of this, but at the same time, I don’t want it to stop.”

“So, first of all, I think you’ve just discovered that you are submissive. Do you know what that means?” Rory questioned Sofie, and she replied, “Of course I do. But I never thought I was a kinky person; I’ve never had any experiences like this. All I know is that I crave her attention, her praise. I feel complete whenever Gabriella compliments me or I’m given orders to follow.Does that make sense?”

Rory nodded. “Oh, definitely! It sounds like you are drawn to service, both sexually and in other forms. And it’s not weird; in fact, it’s very common.” Sofie felt grateful for the reassurance from her roommate. Rory then added, “And did you know something else?”

“What’s that?” Sofie shrugged. Rory leaned in excitedly. “They say that submissives are the ones that have the most power in a Domme/sub scenario. And that’s because, without consent from the sub, the Domme can’t act out their desires forcontrol. So, even if you sometimes feel subservient, Ms. Galena could never be who she is around you without your consent.”

Wide-eyed, Sofie asked, “So, are you saying that I’m the one providing Ms. Galena with an outlet to be in Domme mode, so to speak?”

“Yes, exactly. She can’t express her true, kinky nature without you embodying yours,” Rory explained, leaving Sofie astonished by this new piece of information. Sofie shook her head and commented, “Wow, I never looked at it that way before. And what was the other aspect? You mentioned there were two aspects to this situation?”

Rory looked at Ash and then turned to Sofie. “I think you are catching feelings for Ms. Galena. Do you think that’s true? I’m referring to the fact that you haven’t been yourself in a few weeks like you are preoccupied with something. I sense that you’ve developed a crush on her.”

Sofie’s face flushed red. She was aware of how attracted she was to her boss. Sofie didn’t want to become emotionally involved, especially at a new job and after her recent breakup. But Sofie knew she was struggling with keeping her feelings to herself; her admiration and desire towards Gabriella was becoming all-encompassing.

“Maybe? But I’m also aware of how unrealistic it would be to fall for her. Gabriella is a powerful, wealthy, and successful woman in her early 50’s. I’m just a young fashion graduate working at Sunny’s Coffee before we met.” Sofie shook her head and added, “Even if I did have feelings for Gabriella, it’s better that I keep it to myself and focus on work.”

“Not a bad idea!” Ash expressed as she added dressing to a salad bowl. “I think you should have fun while you can but don’t get attached. You’re right; she has the power to break your heart, and you have a career to build.”

Rory rolled her eyes, chuckling as she turned to Sofie. “And I think you should realize that your kinks are perfectly normal. Also, keep in mind that you are discovering these things about yourself for the first time. Of course your emotions are going to be heightened. Ash is right about focusing on your job, but don’t be so disciplined that you miss an opportunity to explore intimacy and kink with another person.” Standing from the table, Rory stretched her arms. “That’s just my advice, anyway.”

“Thanks so much. I really appreciate you both listening to me without judgment. You’re right; this is all new to me. But it’s exciting and passionate. I’m going to try to compartmentalize these experiences so that I don’t get too distracted.” Sofie spoke aloud, while in the back of her mind, she wondered if it was truly possible to continue this affair with Gabriella unscathed.


Gabriella eyed Sofie, who was typing fashion editorials as her newest assignment. Gabriella was impressed with how far her assistant had come since starting at Deluxe Magazine. Gabriella watched as Sofie went from helping with simple tasks to creating visual displays, assisting with photo shoots, and maintaining on-brand content for the fashion publication.

As she observed Sofie, Gabriella’s desire continued to grow. She loved the way Sofie’s long eyelashes fluttered over her big brown eyes. She was hoping that Sofie might want to indulge in some after-work intimacy.

“Ms. Galena? Did you want me to stay late tonight?” Sofie’s sweet voice echoed through the office; the question was music to Gabriella’s ears.
