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“You know, I’ve loved our times together so much. We have incredible sexual chemistry, and I’ve learned so much from you.” Pausing, Sofie bit her lip, maintaining her gaze. “I think you are an exceptional woman and love spending time with you. I know you’re recently divorced and are busy running a company. But I have to tell you that I’m starting to fall for you. I don’t want these moments to end, but I was curious if you’d ever consider datingme for real. Like outside of these secret sexual flings. Because if I were given the chance, I’dloveto date you. Ireallylike you, Gabriella.”

Gabriella felt her heart drop to her stomach; this was not what she expected Sofie to say. She felt totally unprepared. At a loss for words, Gabriella stared, her mouth slightly agape. In the moment of silence, Sofie prompted her with a skittish laugh. “Well, what do you think? Please, say something.”

Gulping hard, Gabriella’s heart raced; she felt like she had been pinned to a wall. Blinking, she tried to formulate a reply. “Um,wow, okay. I—um—listen, Sofie. I also love our time together. You are a beautiful woman and an amazing lover. Our sexual energies complement each other, and you are so sweet; we do have great chemistry. But, I, um…” Gabriella trailed off, not sure how to craft her words.

She was totally unprepared for this.

“What? Why do you saybut?” Sofie urged, looking confused. “We had an amazing afternoon last week, remember? We checked out the Farmer’s Market in Chelsea, and we went out for dinner. How is that not dating? We didn’t just fuck; we spent theentireday together.”

Gabriella could tell that Sofie was becoming upset; she hated to see Sofie worked up. But her revelation was too much for her to process. Trying her best to explain, Gabriella replied, “Yes, I know we did, and it was a beautiful day. Ilikespending time with you. But Sofie, you’re over twenty years younger than me. I could be yourmother!”

Feeling like she was drowning, Gabriella sat up in bed. Grabbing Sofie’s hand, she continued, mindful of her tone, “Look, I don’t have the emotional capacity for a serious relationship right now. And if I did, I couldn’t be in a relationship with someone so young; we don’t have anything in common outside of fashion and sex. I’d be happy to continue thisaffair as it is, and Ilovefucking you. But, I’m sorry, Sofie, that’s all I can give you.”

Gabriella noticed tears forming in Sofie’s eyes.Fuck! I don’t want to see her upset; I don’t want to hurt her. But it is what it is; I can’t have a relationship with my 20 something assistant. That would be crazy! Besides, my heart is broken; I have nothing to give Sofie but sex.

Sofie blinked, shaking her head slightly. “Alright, okay, I understand. I feel silly for bringing it up; of course, we are too far apart in age. Yup, all of that makes sense.” The assistant looked away, obviously embarrassed. A deafening silence filled the room as Sofie loosened her embrace. Gabriella thought quickly.Maybe I can turn this situation around with my powers of seduction. I can’t change our reality, but I can distract Sofie from her bad feelings.

“Come here, look at me,” Gabriella coaxed, “Make no mistake, Sofie. I really like you. And if you are willing, I’d love to continue what we have. It would be a shame to lose our sexual connection.” Gabriella caressed Sofie’s cheek, bringing her chin closer. “Let’s compromise, okay?” Planting her lips softly on Sofie’s, she kissed her deeply, holding her mouth against Sofie’s soft lips.

Sofie’s eyes shuttered open; Gabriella could tell she was surprised by the kiss on the mouth. But she maintained her gaze, comforting the young woman by lightly stroking her arms. She felt Sofie soften as she leaned in to kiss Gabriella again.

“See? We can share these exquisite moments together without being so structured or official. I know how to please you, Sofie; will you let me?” Gabriella asked as Sofie nodded, her expression turning from unsettled to neutral. “Yeah, I’d like that. I love the way you make me feel.”

“Lay down on your back and spread your legs for me.” As Sofie lowered herself on the mattress, Gabriella stretched hernaked body on top of the assistant, planting kisses down her neck and moving towards her tiny, raspberry-colored nipples. As the CEO’s mouth traveled lower towards Sofie’s navel, she had convinced herself that this was all she needed from Sofie, that sex without commitment was the only situation that made sense for her life.


“Girl, I amsosorry. I didn’t see that coming from what you’ve told me.” Sofie was being consoled by Rory, with her and Ash joining Sofie on the living room couch. “If I did, I never would have encouraged you to say anything.”

“Wow, what a bitch,” Ash chimed in. “Like, who does she think she is? She doesn’t want to have a relationship with you because you are her assistant, but she doesn’t mind fucking you in her office?” Shaking her head, Sofie’s roommate fumed, “That doesn’t make any sense to me.”

“Look, I know it’s weird. And yes, I’m upset. But everything was consensual, and Iwantedto have sex with her. She didn’t coerce me; I just didn’t think I’d fall so hard for her,” Sofie explained, trying to make light of her disappointment.

“And Rory, I don’t blame you for encouraging me; I needed to say something to Gabriella. I guess it’s just the cost of being transparent, right? I took a chance, and now, I must accept her answer.” She wanted to save face in front of her roommates, but Sofie felt humiliated and heartbroken.

“I understand; I shouldn’t be so judgmental,” Ash replied softly. “So, what are you going to do? Are you going to continue the affair?”

That is the million dollar question!

Ash’s question was one that Sofie had been mulling over in her mind. She had briefly considered maintaining the sexual relationship with Gabriella. But something inside of her felt that could be a destructive move. Sofie had never felt so torn. She wanted Gabriella more than anything, but she could see that the more she got involved, the more she was going to get hurt when it ended. “I don’t know. I mean, the sex is mind blowing, but now that my feelings are involved, I’m not sure I can continue this affair, knowing it will probably end badly- for me, at least.” Sofie screwed up her face.

“But what about your job? Would it be weird to continue working there if you weren’t fucking your boss?” Sofie saw Rory give Ash a reprimanding look; even Sofie sometimes wished that Rory’s partner wasn’t so harsh. But Ash had a point; she hadn’t even considered the environment of her workplace.

Shrugging, Sofie shook her head. Even though these questions were overwhelming, she was passionate about her fashion career and never considered herself a quitter. “Ilovemy job! And I’ve been given a lot of great opportunities by Gabriella. I’ve been growing with the magazine and don’t want to leave. Regardless of the sex, I know that she values me as an employee.”

“Of course; we aren’t saying she doesn’t, Sofie,” Rory jumped in. “We’re just concerned for your comfort. We know how hard you’ve worked in school and how passionate you are about your role at Deluxe.” Slinging an arm around Sofie, she added, “What if you stopped sleeping with her but kept everything else the same at the office?”

Sighing deeply, Sofie considered that was her best option. Her heart ached at the thought of never touching Gabriella again, never tasting her again, never feeling Gabriella’s hands on her body again, but she felt that her roommates were right; she would have to change her dynamic with Gabriella to try and maintain their professional relationship. “Yeah, I think I’m going to send her a message. I’ll let her know that I want to keep working there, but the sex has to stop. It’s becoming too confusing for me, and I don’t want to get distracted and mess up any responsibilities.”

Hugging Rory and Ash, Sofie moved from the kitchen to the oversized couch in the living room, where she kept her laptop. Opening the device, Sofie considered how she would word her request.I hope I can still work at the magazine, but I wonder how things might change between us. Obviously, she can’t fire me because I don’t want to hook up. But maybe I will feel different, too. But I can’t keep doing this to myself; I care for her and won’t settle for empty sex.

Once Sofie thought about her wording, she crafted an email to Gabriella, reading it over a few times before she felt it was ready to send.

Good evening,

I hope you don’t mind the personal nature of my email, but I felt it was important to reach out to express my feelings about our last conversation.

I understand your point about the age difference between us and the point that we come from different environments and experiences. In telling you how I felt, I never wanted to make you feel uncomfortable, and I want you to know how much respect I have for you—not only as my superior but also as a woman.
