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Returning to the memory of Sofie, a primal instinct rose within Gabriella. Her knees began to weaken as erotic energy bloomed within the depths of her.

Rubbing harder and faster, Gabriella grunted with pleasure, massaging her clitoris with fervor. Gabriella had crossed the threshold of ecstasy, and she would not return without an orgasm.

Oh fuck, yes. Open your legs for me, little Sofie…

Worked up into a frenzy, she imagined Sofie knocking on her office door, dressed like a sexy secretary. Gabriella fantasized about bringing Sofie into the room, lifting her up on her desk,and raising Sofie’s pencil skirt to reveal her sweet pussy, sans underwear.

Suddenly, an explosion burst from within Gabriella as she moaned with delight.

Oh my god, oh my god! Oh, oh, oh yes!

Her body spasmed with pleasure, and for a moment, Gabriella felt as though she had blacked out. Closing her eyes, Gabriella felt like she had traveled to another dimension for a second, only to come back down to earth with the water spraying from the shower head.

Exhaling a deep breath, Gabriella felt lighter and more joyous than she had in months. Giggling to herself, she said under her breath, “Whew! I guess I really needed that!” But while Gabriella had provided herself with sexual relief, scandalous thoughts about Sofie continued to play out like a movie. Gabriella wasn’t sure how her Monday would go, but she was eager to see if Sofie would show up for their appointment.I think that girl is going to be trouble for me. But what the hell? I need some fun in my life!


“Oh my god,” Sophie exclaimed as she put her phone on the kitchen table. Stunned, she stared at Rory. “I think Imighthave found a job in my field!”

Her roommate’s jaw dropped in surprise. “No way! How? Where did you apply?” Since her breakup with Charlie, Sofie had been living with Rory and Ash. The trio shared a two-bedroom apartment in Bushwick. The space was a bit cramped for Sofie’s style, but she was lucky to have an affordable place to live after leaving her girlfriend of three years. Sofie had met Charlie at the Fashion Institute in her first year and almost immediately formed a romantic connection. Charlie’s wealthy family had rented her a beautiful, one-bedroom apartment, and during their relationship, Charlie had invited Sofie to live with her.

When they broke up, Sofie was in a panic over her living situation. Sofie’s family had always struggled financially, and they couldn’t afford to support her. Luckily, Sofie was able to attend the New York Fashion Institute on a full scholarship, but the funds did not extend to her personal circumstances. Sofiewas concerned that she may need to leave the state due to the high cost of living.

But one night at her favorite lesbian bar, she met Rory and Ash, a couple looking for a third roommate. The trio got along beautifully. Soon after, the couple invited Sofie to live with them. While Sofie enjoyed her roommates’ company, she sometimes felt like a third wheel and was eager to begin her career in fashion so that she could eventually find a place of her own.

“It was the strangest thing,” Sofie mused. “I was working my shift at Sunny’s, and this verybeautifulpowerful looking older woman walked in. Rory, I swear, she looked like a model—she wasstunning!” Sofie thought back to the moment when she had met Gabriella. “To be honest, she wasn’t very nice. She was impatient and demanding, but, I don’t know, there was something intriguing about her.”

Sofie continued. “Anyways, she came in again yesterday and gave methis.” Sofie handed the business card to Rory, who studied it carefully.

“Whoa! Gabriella Galena. That’s pretty serious,” Rory remarked in an impressive voice. “How did she know you studied fashion? Did she ask you to come in for an interview?”

“Well, not exactly. It was weird; I was serving her coffee, and we were chatting a bit—she was actually a bit nicer this time. It came out that I had studied at the Fashion Institute.” Sofie recalled a key moment. “She complimented my outfit, and I told her I had made it myself. The next thing I know, she pulls out her card and tells me to call her.”

Rory raised an eyebrow. “Maybe she was just hitting on you? Don’t get me wrong; you are an excellent seamstress, and your fashion designs are amazing, but maybe she just wanted to toy with you.” Inwardly, Sofie rolled her eyes. She appreciated Rory’s suspicion as she knew that Rory was only looking out for her. But sometimes, she wished that Rory would give her somecredit. Sofie wasn’t as naive as her roommates assumed, and she knew she possessed the skills and talent to make it in the industry, given the chance.

Ignoring Rory’s comment, Sofie continued. “I just called her tonight, and guess what? She told me to quit my job at Sunny’s and to come into the office at eight a.m. on Monday!” Sofie stared at Rory, waiting for a reaction. “Isn’t that amazing? I mean, what are the odds!”

But Sofie noticed that Rory looked skeptical. “So, what’s the job, exactly? How much are you getting paid? Are you signing a contract or something?”

Sofie blinked at her roommate and shook her head. “Well, I don’t know. She didn’t explain the position to me yet.But she said that she would need me to commit and that I couldn’t work both jobs. So, it sounds like a full-time gig. I think it is a test of my commitment.” Sofie wanted to sound confident because the offer felt like a dream come true. But in the face of Rory’s incertitude, she began to feel nervous.

“So, you’re going to find out more at the interview? Or is she hiring you on the spot?” Rory shrugged doubtfully. “Sofie, listen. I’m happy for you. But I’m just concerned that this woman might be taking advantage of you. She is asking you to quit Sunny’s, but she isn’t giving you any information about this new gig. I don’t want you to make a mistake and be screwed out of a job.”

“Is this about the rent? YouknowI’ve always paid you on time.” Sofie’s emotions began to heighten. “I know this sounds weird, and of course, I don’t want to fuck myself over and then be unemployed. But there was somethingtangibleabout this offer; I can’t explain it. I think you needed to be there to understand.” Sofie noted in a dismissive tone.

Rory shook her head, responding in a kinder voice. “No, it’s not about the rent. You know Ash and I adore you; you are a great roommate. I’m just sharing my concerns because I care.But if you feel positive about the offer, then go for it! I want you to succeed in your industry—just be careful.” Rory leaned in to hug Sofie in a truce.

Sofie took a deep breath, grateful for Rory’s support. “I’m not going to lie. Iamnervous. Besides being one of the most beautiful women I’ve seen since Charlie, she is also a powerful figure in the fashion industry. She could make or break my career. You should have seen her sweep into Sunny’s; she had total boss bitch energy.” Sofie grinned at her roommate. “I’m excited and intimidated at the same time.”

Rory gave Sofie an encouraging smile. “So, I guess the big question is: what will you wear? Do you want to go shopping this weekend?”

Sofie’s eyes widened. “Oh my gosh, I didn’t even tell you the craziest part. When I was on the phone with her, she explainedexactlyhow she wanted me to dress.” Sofie thought back to the conversation. “I’m supposed to wear a nice blouse, a pencil skirt, and heels. She told me to look professional but not boring. What does that even mean?”

Rory chuckled, shaking her head. “Girl, it sounds like she wants you to dress like a sexy secretary. Are yousureshe wasn’t hitting on you? I feel like she wants you in the office as eye candy.”

Sofie shook her head, brushing off Rory’s comments.God, sometimes I feel like she doesn’t take me seriously! I graduated at the top of my class.Clearing her throat, Sofie responded coolly, “Well, lucky for her, I’m a double threat; beautyandbrains. And so what? I can dress like a sexy secretary and still kick ass at my job.”

Regarding her looks, Sofie was confident but not arrogant, and she was passionate about her field of study. The institute gave her a taste of the superficiality and toxicity surrounding thefashion business. If Sofie’s beauty gave her an advantage in the industry, she was okay with that.
