Page 5 of Savage Protector

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“Again, why am I talking?”

“Did you not throw yourself on me?” Snow falls heavier as I drive up the mountain. This storm is coming in fast.

“I’m drunk, so it’s different.”

“Different how?”

“Different in the sense that all my reasoning is clouded,obviously.Anyway, you were saying.”

I huff out a heavy sigh. “Women don’t throw themselves at me. In fact, you’re the first to do that.”

She narrows her brows. “You know, my mother always taught me that liars get their mouths washed out with soap. Is that what you want?”

“It’s true. Women stop and look, but they don’t approach me.”

She grins. “So… you’re going with the intimidation angle. Interesting. That must be so hard to be stared at for being big and handsome. I wouldn’t know what that’s like.”

“You want to be stared at for being big and handsome?”

“Ha. Ha.” She stares at me and rolls her eyes. “No, but being stared at a little would be nice.”

I grin. “I was staring at you when I came in… before I realized you were the game warden.”

She glances toward me. “Whatever.”

“I was.” I grin. “You’re worth a second glance.”

“That’s super. Thank the Lord I’m worth a second glance.”

I can’t help but laugh. “Isn’t that what you wanted to hear?”

“So, you’re simply telling me what I want to hear?”

I can feel my eyes growing wide and my nostrils flaring as I say, “This is why I stay away from women.”

“A second ago, the women were staying away from you. Which is it?”

I glance toward her, then back at the snowy road that’s curving up the mountain. I grew up in northern Alaska. I’m used to shit roads, but this storm is putting up a pretty good fight. “Enough about me. Tell me more about this virgin thing. What made you decide to save yourself?”

She scoffs at my question and crosses her arms over her chest. “Well, I’m stupid for one.”

“What? No, you’re not. It’s… admirable.”

“Admirable?”She glances toward me, and though I can’t look back, I feel the heat of her stare on my frame. “It’s not admirable. It’s a ridiculous concept that I should’ve ditched with the rest of my friends in the tenth grade.”

“No, I really do think it’s incredible that you’re saving yourself for the right person.” My mind shouldn’t wander to the place where I fantasize about how tight she must be or how soft and silky smooth her skin is. I shouldn’t go to the place where I think about sliding into her for the first time and making her mine. I shouldn’t go there because that place is for fucking perverts and that’s not who I am. “You should be proud of it.”

“Proud of the fact that I can’t do the one thing everyone else does without thought? I’m not. I want it off my mind. Honestly, I just want to get it over with.”

“Yeah.” I stare out the front window, watching the snow fall through the darkness as the headlights guide the way. My mind should be on the road. Instead, it’s lost somewhere inthoughts about holding Bailey close and showing her what it’s like to be touched for the first time.

“Yeah, what? Are you suddenly willing to help me out?” She’s still drunk. If she wasn’t, she wouldn’t be asking.

“I’d like to more than you know, but we both know deep down that’s a mistake.”

“How? You’re a man, so you must be horny, and I’m a cute little virgin who wants you to touch me.” She bats her eyelashes and lands her hand on my lap. “What man doesn’t want that? You help me out tonight, and come morning, we never talk again.”

“Except… we have to talk again. You’re the game warden, and you’re up my ass about everything, remember? That… and your dad has been a lifelong friend of mine.”
