Page 92 of His to Ruin

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“Used? Did it feel like I was using you when I had my fingers inside you making you come? Did I once make you feel like I didn’t want more? I could taste you all fucking day and still it wouldn’t be enough. I don’t want more of you Jordin, I want all of you. There’s no one else and I wasn’t lying to you when I said there hasn’t been since I met you.”

I scan his eyes for any sign he’s lying to me. There is none. The feelings I have for this man right now are so intense I have to look away.

“And just so we’re clear,” he emphasises, tipping my chin up so that we are nose to nose before trailing a finger over my bottom lip. “YOU ARE MINE.”

His lips crash on mine with a bruising punishing kiss stealing my breath away. My body melts into him as waves of desire courses through me. I feel exactly how much he wants this. The hardness in his dark jeans is evident against my stomach. His hot breath tickles my skin as he trails blazing hot kisses along my neck. He’s my kryptonite.

“You smell so fucking good but I bet you taste even better,” he says nipping the skin at my collar bone. “Before the night is over I’m going to kiss, lick, and taste every inch of you until you’re screaming that you’re mine. Do you understand?”

I nod unable to speak for fear of moaning out loud.

His hand glides with ease up my shaky legs, inching my dress up until he finds my lace thong then slides to one side pinching my clit with his fingers. Waves of pleasure loosen my tightly wound body making me moan into his mouth.

“FUCK. Your soaked.” he rasps gliding his finger inside me with ease.

“Caleb.” I pant tilting my head towards the ceiling as my head wages a war inside me to either stop this public act of indecency or beg for more.

A loud crash of breaking glass sounds out over the music pulling me back to reality when a waiter trips on something spilling an entire tray of drinks all over the floor. I quickly fix my dress back into place as Caleb takes a step back sucking his fingers clean.

“Let’s go,” he says with urgency. Taking my hand in his he leads me out towards the same exit door Lexy left with Saint.

“I can’t go home without Lexy. I’m supposed to be staying with her tonight.”

He doesn’t answer me. Instead he pulls out his phone shooting off a text to someone as we exit the club.

The breeze of the cool night sky feels amazing on my hot skin as we walk hand and hand toward his car.

“You’ve been drinking. I’ll just call an uber home” I tell him.

“I’ve only had one drink tonight and if you think for one second you’re getting in a car with a stranger dressed like that you can fucking think again.” he says unlocking his car and opening the door for me to get in. The warning tone in his voice clear that he won’t take no for an answer.

My blood begins to boil. How dare he say that to me like wearing a short dress was wrong somehow. I can show off every inch of my body to any man or woman if I wanted and will not be made to feel ashamed about it.

I place a hand on my hip. “Dressed like what, Caleb? Let’s get one thing straight here. You don’t get to talk to me or treat me like the girls you parade around in front of me at school. I already had one boyfriend try and tell me what to do and what I can and can’t wear. I don’t need another.”

He slams his car door shut stalking towards me.

“The mystery boyfriend. Tell me, what was his name again? Max wasn’t it?”

Fire burns in my chest at him knowing Max’s name. With a low inhale I whisper, “That’s nothing to do with you.”

“That’s where your wrong Jordin. Everything about you is my business. You just haven’t realised it yet.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

He palms my cheek making me shutter. “It means that I am going to find this Max who that hurt you. And when I do, I’m going to hurt him so bad that he won’t be able to remember his own name never mind yours. No one is ever going to hurt you again.”

A deadly silence passes between us making the noise of the city fade into the background. I tried to ignore the calm in his eyes when he says that. Would he really be able to find Max and carry out his threat? Except it wasn’t a threat, it was a promise. I need to distract him away from Max. From finding out about what Max has on me.

“I just want to forget that Max ever existed. I want you to erase him from my memory and make new ones. I want you to make me yours and only yours.”

His dimples pop with a knowing smile. He knows I want him. I want him more than I’ve ever wanted anyone, but wanting him is dangerous because Caleb is dangerous. I’m going to get hurt again.

He closes the space between us ghosting his lips over mine. “You are so fucking beautiful. I wanted to feel each curve of your sinful body from the moment I laid eyes on you that day at the beach with a primal need that I haven’t felt about any woman.”

My chest flushes with need when his hand slides through my hair. I feel all the fight I had in me leave my body. I crush my lips to his. He deepens the kiss, both of us out of control moving together with a burning fire between us. Its dirty and raw. The heat I felt in the club comes back hitting me full force igniting a flame in between my legs making me grow wetter with every touch. I want this, need this. Even if it means tomorrow will be fueled with regret. I want him. I want to know what it feels like to be at Caleb’s mercy even if it is for just one night.

Our low moans sound out in the dark alley, both panting and fighting for breath between kisses.

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