Page 11 of The Devil's Saint

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My girl is a fucking animal, and I haven’t even begun to fuck her properly yet. Tonight is only just the beginning, and fuck if I can’t wait to explore.

“I’m there. I’m…ahhh…fuck…Saint. Saint!” She chants my name repeatedly, like the chorus of a song, as our orgasms slam into us like a freight train arriving at its destination.

Collapsing onto my side, I pull her in close to me. With her finally in my arms, I’ve never felt more content than I am right now. Lexy Winters is mine.

I’ll never let go.

Chapter Four

Weeks later - Jordin’s Party.

Timelosesmeaningasthe world around me freezes, and the room’s buzz falls into hushed silence. All I can hear is my heart pounding, shattering with each word Ian utters.

Caleb’s enraged voice cuts through the air, pulling me back into a reality I don’t want to be in as every minute that passes deepens the cracks in my heart a little more.

I turn to Saint, hoping for clarity, that he’ll do something, say something even. Tell them they’ve made a huge mistake, but he doesn’t. He remains silent, his jaw flexing, gaze firmly fixed on Eric, eyes wide with disbelief.

“What the hell did he just say?” an enraged Caleb bellows angrily, his hands gripping Saint’s jacket, demanding answers we all want to know. “Marriage? Is this some kind of sick fucking joke? What is this?”

“Did you know about this, Saint?” my voice barely whispers.

His lips purse, his gaze still locked on Eric. Caleb’s face reddens with fury as the applause and cheers resound throughout the room. He lunges forward, attempting to confront Saint, but Colton holds him back in a futile effort.

“I didn’t fucking know.”

Is that the truth? He’s lied to me before. Maybe it was Jordin he wanted all along.

Tears well up in my eyes as I meet Jordin’s sorrowful gaze on stage. I want to believe so badly that my best friend, whom I trusted more than anyone, didn’t know about this. That she wouldn’t betray me like this because she knows how I feel about him.

Jordin was the one who told me that day in the school garden to go and speak to Saint and tell him how I really felt. The one who squealed excitedly when I told her I followed her advice. I had confided in Jordin and bared my soul to her. She knew about the misunderstanding, the argument with Saint after I mistakenly thought he had used me that fateful night at Ketch. I shared the raw pain I felt, thinking he saw our night together as nothing more than a casual fuck. But that wasn’t the case. He wanted more, and it was a miscommunication. He didn’t mean to blank me the day after I gave him my virginity. It was because our parents were in the room. But I was so mad and hurt that I didn’t even think about it that way. I let my pride get the better of me and told him it was the biggest mistake of my life. Something I regret saying to this day, even though Saint has shown me every chance we’re alone, that fucking him is my new favorite thing to do.

As the truth unfolded on the stage, it felt like everything we had was slipping away before my eyes. The intimacy, connection, and promise of something more crumbled at my feet like a balled-up piece of paper that once held a readable story. A curve ball that I never saw coming.

Chapter Five

Asickrevelationhitme like a freight train as everything unfolded in agonizing slow motion. I’m in an arranged marriage with Jordin. Caleb’s Jordin. Lexy’s best friend, Jordin. This is a goddamn nightmare. A fucking shitshow!

The bastards set me up!

Caleb’s seething, a ticking time bomb mirroring my own rage. How dare they spring this on me in front of everyone? How dare they plan my marriage without even discussing it with me?

My eyes swing to Lexy, and my world doesn’t just crumble; it fucking burns.

Opening my mouth, I try to say something, but the words get lost in my throat as I get summoned to the damn stage. Confusion clouds my eyes, and I hesitate, stealing a glance back at Lexy. I’m so fucking torn up inside like I’m being split in two. I swallow hard as the silent plea in her eyes to stop this grips my chest, but my attention shifted to my grandfather, who yanked me in for a whisper.

“Do your duty for your family to keep the ones you love safe.”

His words are a veiled threat that hinted at the knowledge he shouldn’t possess. Had I grown careless these past few weeks with Lexy? Did someone find out about us?

Violence coursed through my veins that I fought hard to contain. I always knew this day would come and that an arranged union would be forced upon me. Selfishly, I hoped for more time with Lexy. But never in a million years did I think it would be with Jordin.

“Let’s talk after this,” my grandfather continues, sealing my fate with a nod.

The weight of family duty bore down on me as I compelled my feet to move and reluctantly joined Ian, my father, and Jordin, fists clench tight with fury. My father expected my unwavering loyalty. But this wasn’t loyalty. This was a prison that carried a life sentence without my brother by my side.

When I was younger, I learned the skill of controlling my anger toward my father for fear of punishment. Never more have I wanted to say fuck it and deal with the consequences. Show them all my rage, but I couldn’t, not here. Not when a threat was made against her. My grandfather said he wanted to talk afterward, so I’ll hear him out and see what he’s got to say for himself before I explode.

Caleb’s voice demanded answers, but Colton keeps him restrained. I can barely look at him as I stand here like a puppet on full display. He’s seething, his anger reminding me of the collateral damage that family loyalty could inflict. It isn’t just about me and Lexy. It’s about him and Jordin, too.
