Page 12 of The Devil's Saint

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My expression remained rigid as I exchanged a look with Jordin, then sent a silent plea to Colton to keep Caleb calm until this ends so we can sort this shit out. There’s no way in hell I’m marrying Jordin. My father and Ian can’t erase their past wrongs through me. I won’t allow it.

Lexy’s pain echoes in her eyes as applause filled the room when Ian joined Jordin’s hand with mine, and my fingers itched for my gun to shoot the smug grin off his face.

As the room continues to buzz, I watched Lexy speak briefly to Kelly before threading through the crowd toward the door. Fury burned in every fiber of my being. She wasn’t just walking away. She was walking away from me. My jaw clenches, and my eyes turned to ice. I could never let her walk away, not like this.

Chapter Six

WhenIlookatSaint, my world crumbles, eyes filling with tears as he’s summoned to the stage by Eric. He hesitates, looking back at me, his eyes so full of confusion it makes my breath catch.

His attention quickly diverts to his grandfather, who pulls him in tight, whispering something into his ear with a severe look. Saint steps back before his eyes return to his dad. Something passes between them before Saint nods once, lowering his head to join Ian, Eric, and Jordin.

“What are you doing?” Caleb calls to Saint, but Colton pulls him back again as Saint joins them with his back turned.

“There he is. Welcome to the family, son,” Ian says proudly, embracing Saint with a clap on the back.

Saint keeps his expression hard, saying nothing as he looks at Jordin.


I can’t watch this!

Unable to bear the scene unfolding before me, I move instinctively, desperate to escape before the tears fall.

I’m about to turn as a hand gently grasps my shoulder, anchoring me, but I’m too numb to turn to see who it is.

“Oh, how wonderful, darling. You kept that a secret. I had no idea those two were in love,” my mother coos, her voice void of understanding. I open my mouth to respond, but the words elude me. How can I explain the depth of this betrayal without spilling my secret to her? That I am the one who’s in love with Saint. Not Jordin. I can’t. I can’t focus on anything right now except him, waiting for him to tell everyone that Jordin loves Caleb, not him, and to admit his feelings for me. But the truth is etched in his expression – regret. He won’t speak up; he won’t go against Eric. It’s something I’ve always known. He’s going to go along with this charade, and so is Jordin.

Devastation courses through my veins.

“I’ll be back in a second,” I mutter, my voice trembling. “I’m not feeling too great. Must have been the champagne on an empty stomach.” I offer a feeble excuse, desperate to escape the congratulations and celebrations.

She places her warm hand on my head like a child with a fever.

“You’re not going to be sick again, are you?”

Again? I shake my head. I can’t think about that right now.

“No, I just need some fresh air, is all,” I lie.

“Okay, sweetie. Just try not to be too long. Your stepbrother and Jordin will likely want to be congratulated by the whole family.”

A whimper escapes as I push past her and politely excuse myself from bumping into people.

Tears roll down my face just as I near the door. It bursts open before I can reach it, and a dozen or so men in ski masks storm in, brandishing guns.

“Get down,” someone yells, but it’s too late.

Chaos erupts as gunfire fills the room, glass shatters, and panic ensues. My heart races as people scramble for cover, seeking safety anywhere they can find.

Amidst the mayhem, I search for my mom and Saint, my eyes filled with fear. I spotted him near the stage with a gun in his hand, returning fire a few times before looking around as if searching for someone with concern on his face. Our eyes meet briefly, and he mouths my name, his eyes flickering with a fleeting moment of relief. I attempt to run toward him, but a deafening boom of an explosion followed by a blast and a sharp sting on my side knocks me on my ass. Everything blurs as I fall to the floor, my head hitting the ground with a resounding thud.

Chapter Seven

TerrorengulfsmeasI come to. The world around me was like a nightmare come to life—shattered fragments of chaos, muffled screams, and an acrid scent of smoke and iron clawed at my senses. My heart raced, a frantic rhythm matching the chaos as I struggled to piece together what the hell just happened.

Was it a bomb?

Panic surged through my veins, a cold sweat breaking out on my skin when something warm and sticky hits my bare leg. Blood. There’s so much blood around me I think I’m going to vomit. I’m not sure if it’s mine or someone else’s. I need to find my family and get the hell outta here.

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