Page 10 of Corrupting Cupid

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‘I’m so sorry,’ I said to the cashier while raking through my purse for my credit card.

‘Not to worry, it happens to us all.’

When I got to the car and put my groceries into the trunk, I pressed my hands against my eyes to hold back the tears.

It was all too much.

‘Eva? Is that you?’ A sweet, melodic voice came from my right.


‘Oh, my gosh, it is you! It has been forever.’ Without another word, Penny was on me, scooping me into a big hug. A big hug that burst my lonely dam.

Tears leaked, and I tried to turn my head to hide them from my school friend.

‘I heard you were back in town... oh, hey. What’s wrong?’ she said, holding me at arm’s length with concern marring her face.

‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to cry.’

‘Nonsense. Emotions aren’t something you can do anything about. Now I’m assuming these tears aren’t for me, are they?’

I shook my head while dabbing at my face.

‘Right, well, come on into the diner, and we’ll get a cup of coffee and sort you right out.’

‘You don’t have to do that,’ I said, swallowing down a protesting sob.

‘I know. But I want to.’

She had always been a sweetheart, and while we’d never been close friends, in a town like Coal’s, everyone knew everyone.

* * *

By the time we sat in one of the diner’s red leather booths with a cup of coffee and a slice of cake, I felt a hundred times better and totally silly for my outburst.

‘How have you been?’ I asked, trying my best to deflect from my issues.

‘Up and down. Married and divorced. Just moved back home to be nearer to the family.’

‘Are you happier?’ I asked.

‘Yes.’ Penny smiled. ‘I held onto the relationship for too long. He didn’t value me, and for the longest time, I didn’t value myself either. I might be back in my mom’s spare room, but at least I’m not practically parenting a man-baby who does nothing but demand sex and complain. More importantly, what’s going on with you?’

‘You’ve probably heard about my Pop passing on,’ I began. She nodded and reached out to press a hand over mine. ‘I wish I’d come home more. He needed me, and I was so wrapped up in my life that I didn’t give thought to what he was going through back home. My promotion in England wasn’t all I hoped it to be, and within days of coming back to sort out the bar, my boyfriend dumped me. It’s just been a lot.’

‘Your grandfather would have wanted you to live the life that you want. He would have understood.’

‘It doesn’t make it hurt any less.’

‘True. But all we can do is move forward. Regrets will tether us to the past and tighten like a noose as we try to move on. You need to acknowledge them, then snip the cords. Otherwise, they’ll hold you back forever.’ Penny grabbed her cup, taking a sip.

‘Thank you. I think I needed to hear that. I just don’t know how to go forward. The bar is struggling, and I need to clear the debts before I can sell it. I’m putting everything into working on it at the minute, and I’m so tired.’

‘Hmm.’ Penny took a forkful of cake while mulling over my words. ‘Sounds like you need to get laid.’

‘What? How will that help with the bar?’

‘It won’t, but it’ll help with the dickhead ex-boyfriend keeping you down, and it’ll help with the loneliness of being back here. I can help with that too, but I’d rather not screw you.’ Her smile was wicked as I gaped.
