Page 2 of Corrupting Cupid

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What now?



Iflexed my wings as I sat up from the daybed. A nymph swept past, topping up my cup with a soft smile. My home was quiet. No feasts or soirees planned for the day.

In truth, I was sick of the same parties with the same people year in and year out. The same infighting and gossip. Never being able to do anything in Olympus without everyone knowing my business.

‘Amor, darling,’ my mother’s high voice rang out as she let herself into my home.

‘In here,’ I replied, rubbing a hand over my face as I stood.

‘No need to trouble yourself.’ She waved me back into my seat and sat in a chair across from me, smiling as a nymph appeared almost instantly, offering her a cup of wine and a plateful of tiny, delicious treats.

‘I asked you to knock, Mother,’ I started, only to be cut off with a firm look.

‘Being that I grew you from seed within me, I’ll be doing no such thing. You aren’t married. You don’t have a house full of babes… there’s no reason for me not to be here.’

‘What if I was, uh, entertaining?’ I said, feeling my cheeks flame at the thought.

‘You’re my good boy. I know you behave yourself.’

‘He’s the only ancient virgin I know,’ Anteros, my brother, said as he appeared by my side. It made me jump every single time. What a boon it would be to just be able to appear or disappear at will. Like right at that very moment. That would be just swell.

Firing a glare in his direction, I tried to find a response, yet none came to mind.

He was right.

I was a lesser god.


The god of passion.

And a virgin.

The lust and fervour that my golden arrows bestowed on the humans and gods had, so far, left me unstruck.

I’d even tried to pierce myself with one once. All it did was ache.

‘Listen, I know a couple of demi-goddesses who’d happily help you rectify your situation. Or demi-gods, if that’s more your thing?’ Anteros slapped a hand down on my thigh as our mother, Venus, looked from my brother to me.

‘No. He’s not looking to waste his time on all that. There’s no pressure to go out and make love just for the sake of it.’

‘I’m not talking about making love, I’m talking about fuc—’

‘Enough!’ My mother silenced him, her eyes narrowing.

‘You are the goddess of love. You know more than anyone else what he’s missing,’ Anteros said, winking at a nymph and causing her to turn a deep shade of pink.

‘I know that love given to the wrong cause can be just as ruinous as not loving at all. Or worse. My sweet Cupid doesn’t need that.’ She may have meant well, but my mother’s words were like a slap to the face.

‘I’m not a little boy anymore.’

My mother stood and crossed the space between us, pressing her hand against my cheek. ‘You spent so many centuries being my little boy. To me, you always will be.’

‘You need to let me be the man I am.’
