Page 24 of Corrupting Cupid

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In an instant, he captured my lips, claiming them with fiery passion. A moan escaped me as he explored my mouth, deepening the kiss.

Pleasure blossomed as he pressed his hard cock between my thighs, grinding into me despite the layers of clothing that separated us.

‘God, I’ve been wanting to kiss you all morning,’ he growled against my lips as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

‘Fuck me,’ I pleaded.

‘Here?’ he asked.

‘I need you.’

I’d barely undone his belt when the curtain was yanked back, and a very angry-looking woman ushered us out.

We paid quickly before leaving the store in a torrent of laughter.

‘Rain check?’ I said.

‘It’s not raining.’

I rolled my eyes. ‘I mean, we’ll come back to this later.’

‘Perhaps you’ll win me in the auction?’ He looked hopeful.

‘Ah, I don’t really have the funds to bid on you. I’m trying to pay off my grandfather’s debts.’

‘Not to worry, pretty one. There’s always tomorrow.’



The bar was crammed. Gangs of women filled every available space like bees buzzing in a hive. Music battled with excited voices as I tried to catch glimpses of Eva through the throng.

I wanted to drop out of the auction. But I’d promised her I would do it, and I wanted to help her.

Her friend, Penny, was near the tiny stage area, fiddling with this and that as she prepared to begin.

‘Penny,’ I called, lifting my voice so she could hear me.

‘Yes? Is everything okay?’

‘I don’t want to go out with anyone but Eva tonight. Can you make it so that she wins?’

‘Oh. No. It’s for charity. I need to make it fair.’

My mind raced, knowing that if anyone else bid, Eva wouldn’t be able to match it—even if she wanted to.

‘What if I bid on myself? You could say you have an anonymous bidder and bid in my stead.’

Penny cocked her head and surveyed my face.

‘Damn, you’ve got it bad for her, don’t you?’

‘I do.’

‘Okay, what’s your limit?’

‘What do people usually spend on these things?’ I asked.
