Page 32 of Corrupting Cupid

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No-one paid me much heed as I shimmied past groups of people. The bar was packed.

Then I saw her. Her dark hair was unmissable as I spotted her from behind, leaning against the far wall and chatting with a group of people.

My heart leapt at the sight of her, not truly ready to believe it was her.

Making my way to her, my mouth dried out, and I swallowed hard.

Reaching out, I grazed a hand over her shoulder.

She turned, and my world stopped. Time froze as her eyes met mine, and I watched for any sign of recognition.

Her eyes widened, and her pupils dilated as she inhaled. ‘Amor?’

‘Eva,’ I breathed, reaching out and tugging her against my chest. ‘I feared that you might not know me.’

‘I thought I might have imagined you,’ she said, her voice catching as she breathed me in.

Then she caught herself and pulled away while clearing her throat.

She made her way into the kitchen, tipping her head for me to follow. I did, and as soon as we were inside and I shut the door, she rounded on me. Fury filled her face.

‘You lied to me.’

‘I didn’t.’

‘You said you were on vacation. And that you were a virgin. Then I find out you’re a fucking mythical god because you grew wings while we were fucking!’

‘I was on vacation, and I was a virgin. I agree I omitted the rest, but would you have believed me?’

Her mouth opened, then closed. Folding her arms over her chest, she scowled.

‘You hurt me, Amor. You disappeared, and no-one remembered you.’

‘I didn’t have a choice. Zeus was furious when I’d revealed my wings in front of mortals.’

‘Zeus? Mother-fucking ZEUS?’ Eva placed a hand on her head and wobbled. ‘I think I’m going to pass out.’

Rushing over, I steadied her in my arms. ‘I’m so sorry.’

‘And now what? You’re back for another vacation?’

‘No, I’ve been granted one mortal lifetime where I can grow old with you.’

‘That’s presumptuous,’ she said.

I smiled down at her, moving a strand of hair from her face. ‘I know. How about we start again? From the beginning?’

‘What will you do if I say that this won’t work?’

‘I’ll spend every single day of the rest of my mortal life trying to win you over.’

A tiny smile gathered at the corner of her lips, and hope surged. Stepping back, she held out a hand.

‘Eva Lexington, owner of Rusty’s Bar, and general hot mess.’

‘Amor, formerly Cupid of Olympus, and obsessed with you.’

Her hand was warm in mine, and the handshake morphed into my lightly holding her fingers.
