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“I suspect they might be behind this attack. That some of my nobles are colluding to fund the Fiedel. And what of your party?”

“I don’t know what happened. If they are even alive. I haven’t found a way or an opportunity to get word to Jast. Short of hiring a smuggler—not a lot of opportunity here.”

Keyanna sighed and watched the fire for a time. “While our assassinations were unsuccessful, it doesn’t preclude that our negotiations can’t be.” She looked at Lachlan. “To be frank—perhaps a bit course and undiplomatic as well but it appears we don’t have the time we need for diplomacy—I need this treaty, cousin. If I don’t bring change to Kaloma, I fear not only for my people–” She paused, then said, “There’s a growing darkness, and I’m not convinced it will stay within Kaloma’s borders.”

Lachlan turned and looked out the window. It was dark and the hint of his reflection in the leaded windows bounced back at him. “What do you need?”

“First, open trade routes. My people need an infusion of funds.”

“Which will add to your coffers.”

“Yes. Rather than what’s happening now.”

“And with the people behind you, you become the people’s monarch.”

She nodded. “The support of the people will be most important. It’s hard to argue against the injustice of religion. People get so stuck in their thinking, but financial stability has the potential to equalize things.”

Lachlan nodded and turned back to her, leaning against the windowsill. “Jast wants an open trade route as well as direct access to the Dauntiss,” Lachlan told her, knowing it was what his father wanted, what he knew was in the best interests of Jast. “Is that all you need?”

She shook her head. “I need access to Jast resources.”

“What kind?”

“The military kind.”


“Opening the border between our countries would offer an infusion of new ideas. Stars know Kaloma needs new ideas, but my throne is threatened by a theocracy. Remove me and my sister, it paves the way for that, and I fear if that should that happen–” She stopped, and Lachlan understood her fear. He and Tarley had already discussed the state of things. Ushering in a theocracy with the kind of laws that had already been made would create the atrocity his father warned his own cabinet about. “It could mean a civil war. I don’t have the resources to raise an army, but the church does.”

“So framing Jast for your assassination isn’t about staring a war,” he said.

“What do you mean?”

“The armor and weapons found at the site of your attack. Whoever is behind it wants to undermine any possible treaty.”

“And what better way to divide a country than under the guise of a holy war,” Keyanna added.

Lachlan paced near the fireplace. “I need to get a message home.”

Keyanna sighed. “I want the border open, Lachlan, but I need assurances.”

He stopped pacing and looked at her. “Military assurances aren’t enough?”

“A trade agreement opens the border and provides unencumbered access to the Dauntiss, but things can’t remain the same in Kaloma. I want a Jast contingent here to help me eliminate the threat to the Hollis throne.”

“You want assassins?”

“I need a new cabinet.”

“Jast can’t be behind that, Keyanna. You know that. If it were to ever come out–” He put his hands up. “War would be justified. I can’t agree to that.” He took up his pacing again.

She nodded. “What about a marriage?”

Lachlan froze. “Excuse me?”

She laughed, then winced. “You look as if I’ve stabbed you. Not us, Lachlan. I’m not interested in being married.” She wrinkled her nose.
