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Her skin heated and she covered her face, appalled at her behavior. Stars, she’d been so forward. With Lucian Uraiahs. “I think you should take me home.”

“I can’t do that, Brinna–”


“It isn’t safe. Not if it has your scent. Not if it wants to hunt you.”

She jumped up from her seat. “But my family! They need to be warned.”

“Nix is with them. He won’t leave them if they aren’t safe.”

She sank back onto the seat and folded over with her head between her knees. “Wake up, Brinna. Wake up.” But she couldn’t. This was real, and her imagination—no matter how adept—wouldn’t be able to get her out of this mess.


Watching Brinna kicked up worry inside of him. She was an emotional tempest, trying to seduce him moments before folding into a storm of fear and shock. Now bent over herself as she sat on the couch where he’d led her, he shouldn’t have let her go on about it being a dream for so long, but damn him, he’d been so interested to see where she’d go with it. But it was Brinna, and he was way more than just curious. He was desirous.

No. No, he informed himself. He wasn’t. She was a blight. He just had to keep reminding himself of that, only doing so was getting more difficult.

He slid forward to the edge of the table, a touch closer to her. “I can imagine you’re overwhelmed…” he started, wanting to comfort her but sorely lacking the ability. When had he ever needed to make anyone feel better? Better yet, when had he ever wanted to?

She raised her head to look at him, her tear-streaked face distracting and tugging on something inside of him that felt very uncomfortable.

“And that perhaps you’re overcome with relief at my benevolent intervention,” he continued. “It’s because of Aurielle–”

Brinna straightened and narrowed her eyes, now frosty. “Auri?”

Luc swallowed, worried that perhaps he wasn’t saying the right thing, but like a rock rolling downhill he continued his course. “And I appreciate your gratitude, but it really isn’t necessary.”

“You think I’m feeling grateful?” Her voice was icy. “Because you’re obligated?”

“Obligated?” He preferred the Brinna who thought they’d been in a dream, her voice warm and sensual. He wasn’t sure why she’d suddenly turned cold. He’d saved her. “Of course you’re grateful. Otherwise, you’d have been a darkling’s meal.”

Brinna slowly got to her feet and glared down at him. “You arrogant ass. My family is in danger, and you think I’m sitting here thinking about what you did?”

Luc regarded her—stars, she really was gorgeous, and just then looked like an avenging angel. He liked it but shook his head.

“I need to go home.” She picked up her skirts and climbed up the step, passing her cloak, before spinning in place with a nervous energy she couldn’t seem to keep contained.

His eyes narrowed. “I can’t do that.” He stood.

She whirled back to him. “Excuse me?”

“I owe your sister. And if your life is in danger, then I must do what I can.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “You owe… Auri?”

He took a step closer. “A long story, but yes. Taking you back is a terrible idea. Not without more information. I can’t in good conscience—even if I’ve only just seemed to acquire one—take you back to your death.”

Brinna’s crossed arms unfolded and fell to her sides. “You’re abducting me?”

“No.” Luc shook his head, throwing his hands out. “No!”

“Then you’re being heavy-handed,” she snapped, her eyes tracking him as he moved closer.

Her ire was tinder for his own, and he lashed out. “For wanting to keep you safe?”

