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He wouldn’t, but he agreed to appease her.

“Do you need anything?” she asked.


She nodded. “I’ll send him.” Then in a swirl of color, she was gone, leaving Lucian alone once more.

Alone in Sol.

Alone with his thoughts.

He wrestled with his mother’s words, wondering at but discarding their truth. He’d made an unforgivable mistake, failed at being a god so terribly that he’d been stripped of his power—he’d rationalized away that his father had only stripped him because he’d refused to capitulate.

And yet, it had only been after being stripped of his power that he’d truly seen Brinna. Stripped, he’d finally longed to stay. Stripped, he wanted… something, even if he couldn’t quite name it. While he might not be altruistic, he figured with his unexpected ability to dream with Brinna, he could begin to make up for all the ways he’d hurt her. Provided he could find a way back.

He wandered each wing of Sol, ruminating, watering the garden, ruminating, fluffing the pillows in the living room for the tenth time, ruminating, then sat and watched the sky beyond the windows. Finally, Nix arrived.

“Thank the gods,” Luc said, jumping to his feet.

“Why can’t you summon me? Mother sent me.” Nix strode across the room and flopped onto a couch.

Luc met him and pushed Nix’s shoes off the arm of the couch. “No power.”

“Even to summon?”

Luc nodded.

“That’s terribly inconvenient.”

“Tell me about it. What did you find out?”

“Dragon fire is useless. Can’t fly into it either. And you? Any more dreams?” Nix’s brows rose over his dark eyes.

Luc sat on the sofa across from his brother. “Yes.”

Nix sat up, scooting to the edge of the seat. “You have news.”

“Sort of,” he said. “I saw Brinna.”

Nix flopped backward. “How is that supposed to help me?”

“I think–” He paused knowing it was going to make him sound… foolish. “I think it’s real.”

Nix sat forward once more. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, I think the dreaming is really happening.” It was Luc’s turn to sit forward. “I’m not sure how to explain it.”

“Don’t try, just explain.”

“She knew what I was seeing. Exactly. And she pinched me, and the dream didn’t end.”

“She pinched you?” Nix’s body shifted, and his eyebrows scrunched over his dark eyes. “That makes it real?”

“See. It sounds too wild to be believed.”

Nix leaned back again and sighed. “We’re gods–”

“You are.”
