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She smiled.

The heat around his heart intensified, and his body woke up, his cock thickening.

“That’s very sweet, Lucian,” she said, oblivious to his physical reaction to her.

The temple broke apart around them as alabaster pillars took shape, darkness framing the dais where they stood. Luc turned in a circle, taking in the risers of chairs like a small amphitheater, the dim light but for the spotlight above them, and scoffed. “Well, we’re in the thick of it now.” He glanced at Brinna. “The sleeping draft is messing with my thoughts.” Only he knew it was a lie. He wanted her, so he wasn’t surprised his subconscious had chosen this place.

Brinna’s hand closed around his hand as if seeking reassurance, and he liked that she reached for him. “Why? Where are we?”

“Remember when I mentioned the pleasure ceremony, when I was eighteen?” He took her hand in his. “Let me think of someplace else.”

“Wait.” Brinna walked backward, drawing him with her. “What is it?” Her legs bumped up against the altar, and her knees buckled. She fell back onto the plush coverings and twisted to look. “Is this a bed?”

His throat caught, his mouth dry, thinking about her lying there, his hips cradled between her thighs as he pushed into her. His body heated, and his dick twitched. “This is where I had my first sexual experience. I didn’t mean to bring–”

She turned to face him, her eyes glowing with mischief. “You didn’t?”

He didn’t look away from that gorgeous sight, her smile and that little divot in her cheek. Stars, he couldn’t get over that smile and what it did to him. His heart slammed up against his breastbone. She was right: he’d brought her here because he wanted her, all of her, even if they were dreaming.

So rather than lie, he said nothing and waited for her to fill the silence. When she didn’t, he closed his eyes. “I’ll take us someplace else.”

Her soft fingers squeezed his hand. “Lucian. Look at me. I don’t want to go somewhere else,” she said. “I want to know.”

Luc opened his eyes, to find her standing before him, looking up, her expression honest and open.

“About what?” he asked.

“Everything.” She drew his hand up between them and threaded her fingers with his, watching their skin connect. It was erotic, somehow. “What was it like?” She turned to face the bed, then stared out into the darkness beyond the dais, raising a hand to shade her eyes. “You were watched?”

“Yes, but not by everyone, just those in the Order.”


“Order of Dytee. They initiate gods into their adulthood and teach the truth of pleasure.”

She swallowed. “Oh.”

“You don’t have that in your world?”

She shook her head, glancing at him, then around once more. “No. Not in Kaloma, at least.”

“Who teaches you?”

“No one. Not really. I mean, my sisters and I would talk, but none of us knew for sure. I’ve learned some things since…” She blushed and cleared her throat, then swallowed, smoothing her pants with her hands. Luc missed her touch. “I can’t speak for everyone, but I assume that everyone explores things in their own way.” Her blush intensified. “Kaloma has a skin house for that sort of thing—for men, anyway. But women–”

“Are suppressed. Yes. The barbaric state of your homeland.”

“There weren’t many opportunities in Sevens to meet someone.”

Lucian tilted his head. “Have you had sex with anyone?” Jealousy flared through him at the idea, and it surprised him. He wouldn’t begrudge her the experience, of course, but he was annoyed it hadn’t been with him.

Her eyes flashed to his then away. “There was a boy I kissed outside the meeting house once.”

“You had sex with him?” He ground his teeth together.

“Stars, no. He was a terrible kisser. I can’t imagine what sex would have been like.” She laughed. “But I’m aware of sex and how it works. I understand bodies and mechanics. I feel desire. I’m familiar with…” She stopped.

“Pleasuring yourself,” he finished for her, thinking about their dream.
