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No longer searching for words, this time they pour out of him. ‘Not unless you can make my scheming daughter-in-law see sense. She wants me to move into a home. Says living alone is too much for me.’

‘Isn’t it possible she has a point?’ I say gently. ‘I mean, none of us are getting any younger.’

‘It’s not that.’ He looks troubled. ‘She wants me out of there so that she can sell my house. My entire life is in there. I don’t want her rifling through it.’

‘What does your son say?’

‘I don’t know. I haven’t seen him for a while.’ Ernest looks sad.

‘Why don’t you call him?’ I suggest.

Ernest looks relieved. ‘That’s a very good idea.’ Finishing the last of his tea, he gets up, standing as tall as his five feet six will let him, a man on a mission. ‘Thank you for the tea. Sorry to bother you, my dear.’

‘It’s no bother. Come back when you remember what you came here for,’ I say gently.

Marnie stays on my mind and each time the door jingles, I look up, half-hoping to see her. With just me in the shop and hardly any customers, time passes painfully slowly, until the afternoon when a man I’ve never seen before walks in.

Tall with dark hair, he’s wearing faded jeans and a distressed jacket. He looks towards me and I feel an unfamiliar jolt of something. It isn’t just that he’s gorgeous in a sexy and understated way, it’s more the quiet strength about him; the way he seems to exude an aura of calmness. Amazed at what I’ve deduced in just a few seconds, I pull myself together, telling myself my people-watching habit is running away with me. ‘Afternoon. Can I help you?’

‘Hi. Um…’ He nods towards some shelves. ‘Alright if I browse?’

‘Feel free.’ I watch him go over to the shelf that houses a number of volumes on mental health – this bookshop is nothing if not diverse. After perusing the books, he heads over to the self-help books. Another soul in crisis, I can’t help thinking, curious to see what he picks up next.

Twenty minutes pass, during which I watch him out of the corner of my eye, noting the way his hair curls on the back of his neck; the well-cut jacket that’s equally well worn. The way he isn’t in a hurry as he picks up a book and reads the blurb, before either opening it or putting it back.

It’s as though he knows he’s being watched, as once or twice he glances my way, catching my eyes just fleetingly, before just as quickly looking away again.

Eventually he comes over to my desk. ‘I’ll take this one.’ He hands over the book he’s picked up.

Without knowing why, I hesitate. ‘Can I be honest with you? Only there’s one you may not have seen.’ Going over to one of the shelves, I look for a copy ofFinding the Wild in Your Life.

When I pass it to him, he studies it with interest. After turning a few pages, he looks up, surprised. ‘I think you’ve just changed my mind.’

I feel my heart warm. ‘I don’t think you’ll regret it.’ It’s an inspiring read about how nature can be both energising and calming, as well as grounding. Plus, if you believe the reviews, apparently it saves a fortune in therapists’ fees.

He smiles. ‘You’ve read it?’

Slightly mesmerised, I gaze at him for a nanosecond. Up close, he has the most beautiful blue eyes fringed with dark lashes, as I forget what he’s just said. ‘Excuse me?’

‘This book – you’ve read it?’

Nodding, I feel my cheeks flush. ‘I read a lot of the books in here – on certain subjects, that is. Less so the ones on cars. I’m not that fussed about cars,’ I gabble. ‘Not that there are many car books in here.’ Realising I’m talking nonsense, I pull myself together. ‘That will be ten ninety-nine.’

Looking slightly bemused, he gets out his bank card – and this is the problem with contactless payments, because I don’t even get to see his name. After paying, for a moment he stands there and as our eyes meet again, something strange happens as my heart does that flip-flop thing. It’s an endearing sight, this gorgeous man and this beautiful book.

He probably has a girlfriend,I tell myself as I smile at him again. ‘Have a lovely day.’

Something flickers across his face – like a tiny frown or split-second indecision, before he smiles back. ‘Thank you. You too.’

Turning, he walks towards the door. I wait for the jingle as he opens it and walks outside. Then it closes behind him and he’s gone.

Almost immediately, it opens again and Marnie comes in. ‘That guy who was just in here… Do you know him?’ She nods towards the door.

‘No.’ I frown at her. ‘Do you?’

‘Not really.’ She rolls her eyes. ‘I bumped into him a while back, when I was walking one morning. We kind of got talking – well, I ended up telling him a bit about my ex, then he told me about the scumbag ex-girlfriend who cheated on him.’

My eyes grow round. So he’s single, after all.It makes no difference,I tell myself. I’m perfectly happy as I am. I don’t need a man in my life. ‘I can’t believe you go around telling strangers about your love life – or lack thereof.’
