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Since I’m ready, I go in search of Trent.

First, I check the kitchen, but when that’s empty, I walk down the hallway to his office.


Next, I find myself walking toward the room I think is his bedroom.

Heaven forbid I’m tardy.

I’m too tired to fight with him today.

It was a long day at school, longer with the new extended commute. I’m exhausted, and I didn’t sleep.

Last night was a shit show.

Tossing. Turning. Anxiety.

And then him.

As much as he hates me, I see the way he looks at me. It’s changed. There’s lust underneath the anger. Pure need.

The worst part is, as much as I despise him, I like the way the looks make me feel.

It drives me insane.

I need to get my head out of my ass and stop enjoying his heavy, wanting stares while he destroys my life.

Shaking my head, I try to bring myself back to the present as I lift my hand to knock on his door.

Just as my hand is about to connect, the door swings open, and I stumble forward.

I lose my balance and fall.

I brace for impact.

Instead, I collide right into a hard body.

One that catches me and stops my descent with strong arms wrapped around my waist.

I’m frozen.

A large part of my brain tells me I must pull away. But another part welcomes the comfort of his arms. It feels safe. Right. Like two magnets drawn together, and it’s exhausting to fight the pull.

But I have to.

Despite how good it feels.

Despite the fact that this goes deeper than lust, right down to comfort, and that should downright scare me.

One more second.

I want, no I need, one more second in his embrace. I’ll store away the feeling, then I’ll pretend it never happened and I don’t like to be held by him. My eyes close of their own accord, and I give myself the time I need. Until I feel his arms go stiff.

I will myself to break away.


Move, dammit.

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