Page 43 of Talon

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The clubhouse disappeared, and I heard the sound of my breathing and Crow’s voice, nothing else.

“Do you hear them?”

“No. Wait. Yes. I can see them.”


Through a slight haze, I viewed the night sky. Stars twinkled around me in every direction. Wings spread out at my sides as I glided on a current of wind. The moon lit the clouds above my position, and I found the others following my lead. Urgency filled my chest. I had to bring the murder.

Talon. Hurt. Help.

The words weren’t my own.

My vision clouded, and I blinked, staring at Crow.

“What did you see, Gail?”

“The murder. It’s flying toward Talon.” I swallowed. Hard. “He’s in danger.”

Chapter 11

“Find her!” I bellowed, snarling at my beta. “Now!”

The moment I awakened, my eyesight returned. I woke on a soft tuft of grass, groaning with the memory of seeding and claiming my mate. And the proof lay all around me.

The tattered remains of Sadie’s dress. Her blood. My cum.

I would find her. That was a certainty. Wherever she ran, it would never be far enough. No hunter was greater than the vargulf.

I knew the fool who helped her to escape from me used his métier again. Carson Phillips had a secret. He could channel magic from the earth and summon it, bending it to his will. I chained him in the prison my pack built a century ago for those who tried to hunt us down, intrigued by the hum of energy always present around him. Carson remained in that jail cell for months until I brought Sadie to him, ordering him to sever their bond.

He used his ability to blind me, and Sadie ran.

But I caught up to her, claimed her with my mating bite, and bound her to me forever.

Whatever hold Carson had over her, it had to be removed now.

Once they were located, I would let the vargulf have his kill. Carson would die for his treachery.

For now, I sent my pack to hunt. They needed the distraction. Our losses created tension, and the wolves needed an outlet for their frustration and anger.

I paced the length of my den. Over three hundred years ago, my ancestor and alpha to the pack settled this stretch of land onthe border of Nevada and California—a home for the vargulf and his pack.

And we defended it viciously.

It was part of the reason I hated the Devil’s Murder MC. Those crows were always in the way. I killed Rook, their president, hoping to teach them a lesson. Back. Off.

It didn’t work.

So. . .now I would take them all down—one at a time.

A war that would end in bloodshed and one victor.Me.

I knew every safe location they had, every home the members lived in, and everywhere they met on a regular basis. The Roost, their clubhouse. I couldn’t get the stench of those fucking crows out of my nose, which pissed me off and agitated the vargulf.


I turned with a snarl, staring at a member of my pack. A young wolf who proved his loyalty daily. “What is it?”
