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They were almost there when they got the call.

“Don’t answer it,” Jessie implored.

“I have to,” Ryan said. “It’s from the chief’s office. There’s a standing policy for every cop in the department. If you get a direct call from this number, you answer it immediately, no matter what.”

He pushed “accept” and put the call on speaker.

“This is Detective Ryan Hernandez,” he said, trying not to sound intimidated.

“Hold for Chief Laird,” a female voice said.

Before Ryan could reply, another voice came on the line.

“Is this Hernandez?” a booming, gravelly voice demanded.

“It is, sir,” Ryan replied.

“Is Hunt with you?”

“Yes sir.”

“I understand that you were removed from a case you were working in tandem with Valley Bureau, is that correct?”

“Yes sir,” Ryan conceded.

“I further understand that you were reassigned to a new case by your captain this morning. Is that also correct?”

“Yes sir,” Ryan repeated.

“It has been brought to my attention that, despite your removal and a clear warning that pursuing the case would result in disciplinary action, you have continued to investigate. Is that correct?”

“Where did you hear that, sir?” Jessie asked, trying not to sound too accusatory and mostly failing.

“That’s not your concern, Ms. Hunt. The more important question is: is it true?”

Ryan looked at Jessie, shrugging resignedly.

“It is, sir,” he said.

“All right then. Let me be clear. You are both suspended with pay pending a formal disciplinary hearing. You have thirty minutes to return to your station and turn in your badges and weapons. If you haven’t done so by that time, your suspension will be without pay and you may be brought up on charges. Are we clear?”

“Yes sir,” Ryan said, shaking his head at Jessie, who had opened her mouth to protest.

“All right then,” Chief Laird said. “Good day.”

The line went dead just as they pulled up in front of the Wilshire Medical Center.

“So I guess we’re turning around then?” Jessie asked playfully.

“Is that what you’re thinking?” Ryan asked, his eyebrows raised.

“Well, let’s see. Since we started on this case, members of the organization we work for have covered up details about the death of an underage porn actress, likely threatened my sister’s safety, surveilled our movements, and quite possibly tried to hit us with an unmarked car. I think I’m gonna take a pass on going back to the station. I think I’m gonna stick around here and see what I can find out. You?”

“Considering I was being sarcastic,” he replied, grinning widely, “I think I’ll hang out here too.”

“Then it’s settled. Let’s get in there.”
